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WIP: make sure user_params[:external] is respected

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There seems to be a bug:

I tried with the current master (Commit: 77b3a8b1) branch the following:

  1. login with an site-admin
  2. save an internal-email-pattern like tester\.com in the admin settings
  3. go to admin/users/new and create a user with, which unchecked the external checkbox like it should.
  4. Hit button Create user
  5. The user created has external set to true. I don't know yet why.

I debugged a bit with binding.pry:


So the user_params are correct, but the new user still has user.external set to true. Do you have any idea why this happens and do you also see this as another bug? (i.e. that's not the expected behaviour, right?)

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