Removes expensive dead code on main MR page request
What does this MR do?
Removes expensive dead code.
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Merge request reports
1 Error 72273d3d: Commits that change 30 or more lines in more than three files must describe these changes in the commit body Commit message standards
One or more commit messages do not meet our Git commit message standards. For more information on how to write a good commit message, take a look at How to Write a Git Commit Message.
Here is an example of a good commit message:
Reject ruby interpolation in externalized strings When using ruby interpolation in externalized strings, they can't be detected. Which means they will never be presented to be translated. To mix variables into translations we need to use `sprintf` instead. Instead of: _("Hello #{subject}") Use: _("Hello %{subject}") % { subject: 'world' }
This is an example of a bad commit message:
This commit message is bad because although it tells us that is updated, it doesn't tell us why or how it was updated.
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DangerEdited by 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖marked the checklist item Changelog entry added, if necessary as completed
added backstage [DEPRECATED] label
changed milestone to %11.4
@rspeicher Wondering if you'd have time to review this small change before the freeze? Nice gains for removing dead code
- Resolved by Robert Speicher
assigned to @rspeicher
- Resolved by Robert Speicher
@oswaldo Thanks!
Just one question to possibly remove more dead code. Although this missed feature freeze, I think an exception request for a performance improvement on a common page like this should be approved pretty easily.assigned to @oswaldo
I'll submit a exception request! Answered your question, thanks @rspeicher!
assigned to @rspeicher
@oswaldo LGTM, thanks!
mentioned in commit dbab210f
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/release/tasks#472 (closed)
mentioned in issue gl-retrospectives/create-team#3 (closed)
Picked into, will merge into
ready for11.4 RC4
mentioned in commit d64bc275
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/release/tasks#482 (closed)
mentioned in issue #52756 (moved)
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/release/tasks#515 (closed)
added devopscreate label