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Resolve "Wiki page returns error code 502"

Sean McGivern requested to merge 48269-wiki-page-returns-error-code-502 into master

What does this MR do?

Fixes a performance bottleneck in rendering wiki pages - #has_ancestor? is much faster than #ancestors, it seems.


*** PRODUCTION *** production> Gitlab::Profiler.profile('', user: User.find_by(username: 'deandre')).threads.first.total_time
Started GET "/services-support-testing/d/wiki/wikis/test2" for at 2018-06-26 11:09:08 +0000
Processing by Projects::WikisController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"namespace_id"=>"services-support-testing/d", "project_id"=>"wiki", "id"=>"test2"}
Completed 200 OK in 784815ms (Views: 784162.8ms | ActiveRecord: 93.8ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms)
=> 785.3386883735657

After pasting in the change from this MR:

*** PRODUCTION *** production> Gitlab::Profiler.profile('', user: User.find_by(username: 'deandre')).threads.first.total_time
Started GET "/services-support-testing/d/wiki/wikis/test2" for at 2018-06-26 11:05:49 +0000
Processing by Projects::WikisController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"namespace_id"=>"services-support-testing/d", "project_id"=>"wiki", "id"=>"test2"}
Completed 200 OK in 12337ms (Views: 11601.6ms | ActiveRecord: 95.8ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms)
=> 12.471254348754883

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

I added the other ancestor tags for consistency, but this is a slightly bigger change than is strictly needed to close the issue.

Why was this MR needed? introduced this change in 11.0, which created a performance issue with large wiki pages.

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #48269 (closed).

Edited by Sean McGivern

Merge request reports