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Build failures summary page for pipelines

James Edwards-Jones requested to merge 24883-build-failure-summary-page into master


Creates a 'Failures' tag on pipelines page, showing a build log for each failed jobs in one place. Similar to the failed pipeline email.


When I visit the builds page what I really want access to is the actual error messages. I don't care about pipeline graphs or successful stages, and don't want to have to click into each job one at a time.

Currently I have to change to the Jobs tab, scroll to find the failures and then have to click into each failure one by one. When using the new dropdown I find it tricky to open each build in a new tab, and can't use it when arriving from slack.



Next iteration

Once this is merged an issue will be created to do the following

Acceptance criteria

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #24883 (closed)

Merge request reports