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Test both PostgreSQL and MySQL for the win

Lin Jen-Shin requested to merge test-pg into master

I expect all tests with MySQL should pass, while it's possible that some of the PostgreSQL tests didn't pass because we're not testing them right now.

This merge request/branch would no longer run mysql tests. Check this branch when we're running mysql: (i.e. append -mysql to the branch name)


  • We run all database related tests for everything, including PostgreSQL and MySQL (e.g. rake db:rollback) (in the future we could wrap this with a check that if it's not touching related files, we don't run it in merge requests)
  • For tests which database isn't important (e.g. rake karma), but we still need to have it setup, we use PostgreSQL
  • We run everything for EE on and dev
  • We run everything for CE on master and tags (both and dev)
  • We run everything if the branch name ends with -mysql (see test-pg-mysql vs test-pg)
  • Otherwise we only run PostgreSQL tests
  • We install both pg and mysql2 gem, I think this is ok
  • We really need to bundle install before gem install knapsack, otherwise some natives gems could not be found! For example, mysql2, allocations, and rblineprof, etc. I completely have no idea why and wasted for several hours due to this.
  • I tried to move some scripts into their own shell scripts to make it easier to maintain
  • I expect to see more transient errors/failures after switching to PostgreSQL as our main testing database, e.g.

Oh, and for now I am using my docker image before we merge gitlab-build-images!29 (merged) We should probably consider rename this. This is for using PostgreSQL 9.6 rather than 9.4, otherwise a test would fail with pg_dump saying that 9.4 doesn't match 9.6

Closes #2582 (closed)

Merge request reports