Predictable permanent release asset urls
currently the whole release section is nearly unusable in an automated manner.
on github we have clean predictable urls to release assets, which can be easily fetched with wget.
on gitlab the situation is terrible. i tried to simply attach a file to a release, then i noticed it is just an uploaded file for the text but no asset. currently it is not possible to add an asset via the gui. so i am forced to use the api. but the api cannot handle binary files it only can handle links which requires me to use the uploaded file from my relase content as link target.
the url of the uploaded file from the release content is
the hash is not helpful at all. it makes the url unpredictable which is a very bad UX. i can't build a script which automactically downloads a known version number.
creating an asset url does not mask with sometthing like
it simply sets the hashed url as url.
do i get something wrong, missed something in the docs or is the situation with releases that bad on gitlab? i really don't like github any more but i am thinking of mirroring my repo to github to have meaningful binary urls
the following should be in its own issues but i just wanted to mention it here:
Prevent zipping of single file artefacts
the artefact urls are predictable but i can't prevent the ci from creating a zip file. a phar file or a other binary file should be directly downloadable to be easy to use
wget && php composer.phar install
without to run an unzip command before.
Release from gitlab-ci without private token
i would really like to handle the releases from the ci without the workarounds and the need to provide a private token to the runner to allow to interact with the api. at least there should be a create_release
permission for the runner token (only create not update!)
cursor gone after preview
just noticed previewing the issue text swallows my cursor. no blinking cursor any more on waterfox
edit: created an issue for the cursor problem