Flakey time-sensitive notes creation specs that rely on background Sidekiq jobs
Flakey time-sensitive notes creation specs that rely on background Sidekiq jobs
Found while working on https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/merge_requests/6051, failing test: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/-/jobs/74649298
Here are some details on the different Sidekiq testing modes (thanks @stanhu for this important debugging breakthrough),
: Pushes jobs into anjobs
array and need to be manually drained,NewNoteWorker.drain
: Runs jobs synchronously
We rely on background jobs like the cross-references being setup for notes in some tests but currently we set Sidekiq::Testing.fake!
in Spec::Support::Helpers::Features::NotesHelpers -> add_note("Hello world!")
and we should expect this test to fail in all cases because the background job is never run/drained.
The only reason it is working now is because of a race-condition on when exactly a Sidekiq NewNoteWorker
job is queued. Currently, it passes because the job is queued outside of the Sidekiq::Testing.fake!
block and runs synchronously,
See the Sidekiq source __set_test_mode()
# Normal Passing
$ SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub bundle exec spring rspec spec/features/issuables/markdown_references/internal_references_spec.rb:65
SIDEKIQ __set_test_mode fake
SIDEKIQ __set_test_mode->begin fake
SIDEKIQ __set_test_mode->ensure inline
# When the job is queued
SIDEKIQ raw_push Sidekiq::Testing.fake?=false Sidekiq::Testing.inline?=true
# Proxy failing
$ SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://localhost:4545/wd/hub bundle exec spring rspec spec/features/issuables/markdown_references/internal_references_spec.rb:65
SIDEKIQ __set_test_mode fake
SIDEKIQ __set_test_mode->begin fake
# When the job is queued
SIDEKIQ raw_push Sidekiq::Testing.fake?=true Sidekiq::Testing.inline?=false
SIDEKIQ __set_test_mode->ensure inline
Slack discussion here: https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/C02PF508L/p1528963806000272