Project 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce' was moved to 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
GitLab import from Launchpad
We have a F/OSS project on Launchpad ( ) that we would like to migrate to GitLab. GitLab currently offers a helpful "Import project" tool for GitHub, Bitbucket, Google Code, Fogbugz and Gitea, but offers no easy way to import projects from Launchpad.
Add a Launchpad option to the "Import project" tool/wizard.
It would be good if the tool imported the following (in rough order of priority):
- Repository description.
- Repository data. By default repositories on Launchpad are in bazaar instead of Git, but Launchpad does support Git repositories ( ). Any importer could legitimately require the source repository to have already been converted to a Git repository prior to import.
- Issues, including comments, status etc.
- Merge requests.
- Blueprints.
- Merge request comments.
- Milestones, release note descriptions, labels etc.
- I am not sure if there is any GitLab equivalent to Launchpad's 'Answers' or 'Translations' sections.
Further rationale
I suspect there are many others on Launchpad that would also like to move over, as many of us on Launchpad are still on there (instead of GitHub, for example) because it is one of the few open source options. GitLab is obviously also open source, but with a more modern feature set.