It's very hard to test almost any feature in CI/CD in GDK. This leads to bugs and poor UX
It's also very hard to configure certain features locally without having to bother a member of CI/CD team. Often I end up mocking data on the frontend to make something work.
Here's a list of features that are not possible to test locally with GDK without extra set up:
Running a pipeline - pipelines are always stuck
Adding an existing GKE cluster - part of the data is not accessible (token)
Adding a new GKE cluster without an hack in the config file
Registry table
Security reports - all of them, both in Pipelines page and in MR widget
Linked pipelines
Deploy boards
A pipeline with all the empty states for job details page
(Some of the above features, I've done FE code without ever having them run locally. I always have to mock everything on the FE, making it impossible to test an entire flow. This is true for numbers: 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)
@markpundsack@ayufan Fixing this requires dev time, can we schedule time to fix this in order to make development & review process easier?
I feel that if we had this a lot of bugs could be avoided and a lot more people could start working on CI/CD faster
Create a project in GDK with:
a registry table
deploy boards - EE
linked pipelines - EE (multi project pipelines)
all security reports - EE
a running pipeline
a merge request with a running pipeline
a merge request with a successfull pipeline
a merge request with a failed pipeline
a project with all empty states of a job - one mocked pipeline with a job in each state: :success, :failed, :canceled, :skipped, :running, :manual, :created, :pending
Testing such mocking should then only involve creating named directories containing JSON files with mock data within CiMan on paths that loosely match with API paths (so that developers are spared of doing any configuration).
I did something similar (without using express) in this MR where I had to add License Report information on MR widget (which acts similar to codeclimate), but obviously it could be simplified if we have a dedicated server accepting mock calls.
Thanks Filipa! We've definitely felt the same pain. I've often struggled to setup the local env in ways that allowed pipelines to actually run properly. Wether because the runner is no longer registered or because the I registered it wrong (or in another GDK).
I agree this can be hard to setup :( e.g. for security products when having to deal with the container registry (which we do a lot), docker doesn't play nice without having SSL configured. Trying to deal with it made me loose a lot of time and I ended up using fake reports with json files in the repo
This also has the bad side effect to make people relying more on's CI/CD, increasing its load... and it's sometime really slow making it painfull on a day to day workflow.
The mocking approach can be a good solution for prototyping Frontend but it could also prevent you to catch "real situation" issues. Improving the documentation and maybe teaching people could help having a working gdk with real use cases.
Thanks for taking the time to raise this @filipa I'm definitely in favor of allowing dev time on this
I'd love to see this fixed! Testing even small CI features can require a lot of setup, and after struggling with it for a while, I usually have to ask for help.
I created MockCI to simulate an external CI service but those behave differently to GitLab CI in a few places. cc @kushalpandya as it is a similar concept to what you mentioned for GitLab CI or more general FE mocking.
For pipelines, we seed some data see /gitlab-org/gitlab-ci/pipelines but these aren't very varied to cover all states that we need to test. We could also add some copy-pasta Rails console commands to the docs in order to adjust existing or create pipelines (status and output).
Mocking the security report is fine when working downstream (and I use it a lot, thanks for sharing this tip) but when we want to test tools integration, environment or job configuration we need a fully working setup. @MadLittleMods configuring the registry is not the hard part, this is made really easy in gdk (thanks to those who worked on that!) but the issue is that a lot of SP tools need Docker In Docker which makes things a lot harder to run locally without having SSL setup. Though this issue may be limited to the SP team ^^
@ayufan Unfortunately, we don't have the capacity to handle that on our side in this iteration.
We can keep the ~"Security Products" for later, but I can't allocate any resource on this in the near future. Thanks for your comprehension.
I'm currently running into issues updating the MR widget design. It would be great if there was a project with MRs in various states as well, so it would be possible to easily update the widget
I also think it's a bit to wide in scope. We should piece it out into smaller, more focused issues. Possibly (in what I think the order of importance is):
Adding a runner to the GDK
A merge request with a
running pipeline
successful pipeline
failed pipeline
A project with a cluster set-up
A project with all empty states of a job
A running pipeline (is this possible without a runner?)
This'll make the improvements bite-sized and much easier (more likely) to get picked up even without being formally scheduled.
Then we could look into figuring out the EE specific ones:
Agreed it should be broken into smaller issues. It does make sense to manage the runner through the GDK but it's also not very difficult to get it working following the documentation. From a product perspective I'm not really interested in prioritizing this right now.
From a product perspective I'm not really interested in prioritizing this right now.
@jlenny The amount of time it takes to set up all the CI features so UX and Frontend can test or work on new components is far too high. It's an unbelievable productivity killer, and as @filipa mentioned in the description, various states get lost or overlooked, leading to bugs and poor UX.
I'm all for splitting this into separate issues, but please prioritize this. It will make things so much easier for developers and designers, and GitLab CI will be much more polished as a result.
@jlenny This is blocking development. I understand that from a product perspective this may mean nothing, but if we don't have it, we can't do new features without bugs.
Think of this as an investment. We could ship a lot more new features if this was done.
@erushton normally I would expect that ongoing work to manage/improve the development workflow would be an accounted-for part of engineering capacity, rather than something we need to specially label as a "product capability" in order to consider doing, though I admit I'm new here and maybe missing something. Is this really something that should flow through product management?
@jlenny I don't think this should flow through product management, but similarly that's coming from opinion and not necessarily established ways of working here. That said, seeing as we're both in agreement let's run with it.
@matteeyah I think you're right that moving this issue to the GDK project makes sense, can you go ahead and do that and then break it down into the more actionable, bite-size, issues you described. As for actually prioritizing those smaller issues, let's see what the actual stake-holders think:
@filipa and @annabeldunstone, does Matija's list make sense, or is there something that you'd like to see ahead of another piece?
I will work on getting some prioritization around our "backstage" work. However, given the challenges we've had recently with setting up our front-end developers for success I think this, or some of it's sub-issues once Matija breaks them down, should be near the top of the priority list.
I understand that from a product perspective this may mean nothing, but if we don't have it, we can't do new features without bugs. Think of this as an investment. We could ship a lot more new features if this was done.
I think the term we are looking for here is Testability :)
In addition of having such testdata only in the GDK, I think its also useful to have the same test datamodel on staging and review apps as well. So instead of seeding the DB like we always to can we use public APIs to setup such configurations? This way the provisioning can be automated and is repeatable in many environments.
can you go ahead and do that and then break it down into the more actionable, bite-size, issues you described
I agree with this. This sounds like a big task/want list. Can we break this down further into multiple issues or even epics? I can work on involving an engineer from the Quality team to help with this effort.
So instead of seeding the DB like we always to can we use public APIs to setup such configurations? This way the provisioning can be automated and is repeatable in many environments.
Also including @ddavison and @rymai in the conversation since this converges on setting up test data and planning QA data model.
Along with the issues, I'd like to point out the elephant in the room: seeding GitLab with data is molasses slow! A lot of developers (including me) opt not to seed the database at all and just create mock data as necessary. It takes ~2h to fully seed the DB on my laptop (MBP 15" 2015).
@matteeyah Fixtures are part of gitlab-ce repository not GDK. GDK I assume that describe the scripts to run gitlab easily in development environment, but it does not rule out that you use raw gitlab-ce with fixtures for testing :)
I share my latest experience about what kind of toolsets we provided to FE developers to quickly reproduce specific scenarios. The context was JUnit XML Test Summary In MR widget
which shipped in %11.2 .
First of all, we tried to extend a fixture-seeder of CI Pipelines i.e. db/fixtures/development/14_pipelines.rb. We added some fixture to let FE developers somehow to reproduce a debuggable state, however, by some reasons, it turned out this approch is unextendable and slow. So we avoided this way.
Secondly, we hacked the fixture class as controllable module. We added three methods to reproduce and permutate multiple states. Also, we made each task finishs within a second. Afterall, that was enough for debugging all considerable scenarios in our context. Hence, we were able to quickly iterate the development cycle.
We will re-evaluate some of this as part of review apps implementation, it might makes sense to enable testability here instead since its essentially our GDK in the cloud.
I just ran into this, setting up pipelines with GDK for an issue. I ended up using this video to set things up, and it worked well, but it took about an hour, and luckily I did not need a pipeline in a particular state — just an MR widget with a pipeline.
I am definitely not an expert at this project by any means, but I wonder if a script to run and seed only the local database with a particular record configuration would be a smaller way to get this into a testable state, rather than an ever-growing list? I saw links above that this approach died out before, but it seems like this is not being worked on now either? (It is not totally clear to me. )
@filipa Yes, I know — I set it up and added the link to the video for anyone else who encounters this issue. Are you saying the video adds things that are unnecessary?
I also expect at some point I will need a pipeline or other data in a specific state and from reading this, it is not clear that all the items on this list have been addressed. Is that incorrect?
If you only need to have specific data in the rails then I'd rather suggest to play with the DB seeds. Though depending on the kind of resource this might be complex. E.g. To have security vulnerabilities displayed in the Group Security Dashboard, we have some projects already seeded with some vulnerabilities, so there is no need to run pipelines.
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