Project 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce' was moved to 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
"New merge request" in canonical repo does not point to fork
Feature: Project Fork
Scenario: Merge request on canonical repo goes to fork merge request page # features/project/fork.feature:19
✔ Given I sign in as a user # features/steps/shared/authentication.rb:7
✔ And I am a member of project "Shop" # features/steps/project/fork.rb:11
✔ When I visit project "Shop" page # features/steps/shared/paths.rb:271
✔ Given I click link "Fork" # features/steps/project/fork.rb:6
✔ And I fork to my namespace # features/steps/project/fork.rb:28
✔ Then I should see the forked project page # features/steps/project/fork.rb:16
✔ When I visit project "Shop" page # features/steps/shared/paths.rb:271
✔ Then I should see "New merge request" # features/steps/project/fork.rb:34
✔ And I goto the Merge Requests page # features/steps/project/fork.rb:38
✔ Then I should see "New merge request" # features/steps/project/fork.rb:34
✔ And I click link "New merge request" # features/steps/project/fork.rb:44
HTML screenshot: /Users/adam/workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/tmp/capybara/screenshot_2017-06-29-15-54-33.393.html
✘ Then I should see the new merge request page for my namespace # features/steps/project/fork.rb:50
expected to find text matching /user1/i in "/namespace1/gitlabhq/merge_requests/new"
/Users/adam/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/rspec-support-3.5.0/lib/rspec/support.rb:87:in `block in <module:Support>'
Error summary:
Failures (1)
Project Fork :: Merge request on canonical repo goes to fork merge request page :: Then I should see the new merge request page for my namespace
Steps Summary: (11) Successful, (0) Pending, (0) Undefined, (1) Failed, (0) Error