Very frequently running query updating "import error" of project
This query was run 10 960 times during the hour of 2017-06-19 14:00 - 14:59:
UPDATE "projects" SET "import_error" = ? WHERE "projects"."id" = ?
A specific example of this query is:
UPDATE "projects" SET "import_error" = 'fatal: could not read Username for '''': terminal prompts disabled
' WHERE "projects"."id" = 930641
During the 15:00 - 15:59 hour, the query was run 8 203 times.
During the hours before 10:00 on 2017-06-19, this query was only run a few times per hour (0-8 times). Perhaps the back-off or delay which should exist between retries is no longer happening, or this particular type of error isn't being properly handled..?