In our company we have a lot of projects using Mercurial. Converting them is not hard, thanks to the hggit extension. An even better way would be to have a project importer for Hg.
Having such an importer would make onboarding for companies using Hg a lot easier.
Add a project importer for Mercurial repositories.
We're a bitbucket shop with a lot of repos in HG, so if there was a web-UI to click & convert via your existing bitbucket OmniAuth integration that'd be the bees knees . We're trying to migrate everything to GL.
First of all, thank you for raising an issue to help improve the GitLab product. This issue was labelled as a ~"feature proposal" in the past. In order to maintain order in the issue tracker, we are starting to close off old, unpopular feature proposals that have not gained many votes since opening.
This issue will be marked for closure, as it meets the following criteria:
Created over 1 year ago
Labelled as a ~"feature proposal"
Unscheduled (not associated with a milestone)
Less than 10 upvotes
Thanks for your help and please raise any new feature proposals as a new issue.
they're also not going to provide any migration path to help users convert repos from hg to git
there is no current way to do a hg->git conversion on bitbucket without losing all your issues, pull requests, etc
There are now a lot bitbucket users (myself included) that are looking for a way to migrate from hg to git without losing all our issues, pull requests, etc.
If gitlab supported importing hg projects from bitbucket (or even could at least import everything from bitbucket /except/ the repo and leave me to manually do the hg->git conversion?) then I think you'd have a lot of users switching to gitlab.
Hi @jramsay - I presume as this is labelled group::source code this one would fall under you? If possible it'd be really helpful to get an initial thought from you on whether adding a full importer/converter for bitbucket mercurial repos is something you'd consider please. It would help the folks that need to do a migration away from bitbucket figure out if moving to git+gitlab is possible route that preserves issues / pull requests / etc or not. Many thanks!
GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition
and Enterprise Edition into a single codebase. The current
gitlab-ce repository will become a read-only mirror, without any
proprietary code. All development is moved to the current
gitlab-ee repository, which we will rename to just gitlab in the
coming weeks. As part of this migration, issues will be moved to the
current gitlab-ee project.
If you have any questions about all of this, please ask them in our
dedicated FAQ issue.
Using "gitlab" and "gitlab-ce" would be confusing, so we decided to
rename gitlab-ce to gitlab-foss to make the purpose of this FOSS
repository more clear
I created a merge requests for CE, and this got closed. What do I
need to do?
Everything in the ee/ directory is proprietary. Everything else is
free and open source software. If your merge request does not change
anything in the ee/ directory, the process of contributing changes
is the same as when using the gitlab-ce repository.
Will you accept merge requests on the gitlab-ce/gitlab-foss project
after it has been renamed?
No. Merge requests submitted to this project will be closed automatically.
Will I still be able to view old issues and merge requests in
How will this affect users of GitLab CE using Omnibus?
No changes will be necessary, as the packages built remain the same.
How will this affect users of GitLab CE that build from source?
Once the project has been renamed, you will need to change your Git
remotes to use this new URL. GitLab will take care of redirecting Git
operations so there is no hard deadline, but we recommend doing this
as soon as the projects have been renamed.
Where can I see a timeline of the remaining steps?