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  • Robert Speicher's avatar
    Merge branch 'rs-fix-ldap-2fa-login' into 'master' · 00cae51e
    Robert Speicher authored and Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher committed
    Fix 2FA-based login for LDAP users
    The OTP input form is shared by both LDAP and standard logins, but when
    coming from an LDAP-based form, the form parameters aren't nested in a
    Hash based on the `resource_name` value.
    Now we check for a nested `remember_me` parameter and use that if it
    exists, or fall back to the non-nested parameters if it doesn't.
    Somewhat confusingly, the OTP input form _does_ nest parameters under
    the `resource_name`, regardless of what type of login we're coming from,
    so that allows everything else to work as normal.
    See merge request !4493
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