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Increase upload-pack copy buffer sizes

Jacob Vosmaer requested to merge jv-upload-pack-buffer-size into master

This changes the upload-pack response copy buffer size in both Git and Gitaly. This is an efficiency improvement for Git fetch traffic. It only makes a difference when the pack-objects cache is enabled; without that it is performance-neutral.

Also see

I did an experiment where I cloned gitlab-org/gitlab from a local VM, while running perf record at 99Hz. This is with the pack-objects cache enabled, and it's a cache hit. What is nice that we not only save CPU cycles in git and gitaly (the binaries touched by this MR) but also in praefect and gitlab-workhorse.

Process CPU samples before CPU samples after
git 326 179
gitaly 444 347
praefect 480 333
gitlab-workhorse 442 367
Edited by Jacob Vosmaer

Merge request reports