Passed Started

John Cai
1Running with gitlab-runner 17.7.0~pre.103.g896916a8 (896916a8)2 on FFrYjQ9d, system ID: s_d4355a3578f53 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_USE_FASTZIP:true4Resolving secrets6Using Docker executor with image ...7Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)8Pulling docker image ...9Using docker image sha256:14a1101dfb5861a5bc074e2d9f2751d98201d5302309fc5a5c59df1e4ba5995c for with digest ...11Running on runner-ffryjq9d-project-2009901-concurrent-0 via runner-ffryjq9d-s-l-l-amd64-1738112608-fa6cee27...13Fetching changes...14Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitaly/.git/15Created fresh repository.16Checking out cb60c846 as detached HEAD (ref is master)...17Skipping Git submodules setup18$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"20Using docker image sha256:14a1101dfb5861a5bc074e2d9f2751d98201d5302309fc5a5c59df1e4ba5995c for with digest ...21$ /analyzer run22[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ GitLab Gemnasium analyzer v5.8.423[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of _support/benchmarking are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 224[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of _support/fips-runner are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 225[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of _support/terraform are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 226[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of client/testdata are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 227[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 228[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-backup are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 229[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-blackbox are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 230[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-debug are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 231[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-gpg are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 232[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-hooks are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 233[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-lfs-smudge are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 234[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-ssh are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 235[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/gitaly-wrapper are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 236[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of cmd/praefect are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 237[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of danger/rules are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 238[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/configuration are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 239[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/img are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 240[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of doc/rfcs are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 241[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/archive are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 242[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/backoff are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 243[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/backup are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 244[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/blackbox are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 245[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/bootstrap are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 246[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/bundleuri are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 247[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/cache are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 248[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/cgroups are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 249[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/cli are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 250[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/command are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 251[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/datastructure are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 252[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/dontpanic are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 253[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/errors are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 254[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/featureflag are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 255[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/git are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 256[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/gitaly are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 257[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/gitlab are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 258[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/grpc are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 259[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/helper are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 260[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/kernel are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 261[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/limiter are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 262[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/log are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 263[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/offloading are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 264[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/praefect are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 265[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/prometheus are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 266[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/protoutil are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 267[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/ps are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 268[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/safe are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 269[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/signature are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 270[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/stream are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 271[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/streamcache are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 272[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/structerr are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 273[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/tempdir are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 274[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/testhelper are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 275[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/tracing are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 276[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/transaction are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 277[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/unarycache are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 278[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/version are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 279[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of internal/x509 are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 280[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of proto/go are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 281[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of proto/testproto are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 282[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/dlv are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 283[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/gitaly-init-cgroups are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 284[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/go-licenses are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 285[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/gocover-cobertura are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 286[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/gofumpt are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 287[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/goimports are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 288[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/golangci-lint are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 289[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/gotestsum are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 290[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/govulncheck are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 291[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/govulncheck-filter are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 292[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/module-updater are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 293[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/noticegen are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 294[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/panic-parser are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 295[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protoc-gen-doc are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 296[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protoc-gen-gitaly-lint are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 297[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protoc-gen-gitaly-protolist are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 298[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protoc-gen-go are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 299[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protoc-gen-go-grpc are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2100[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protogem are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2101[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/protolint are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2102[WARN] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Subdirectories of tools/test-boot are not searched due to the environment variable DS_MAX_DEPTH value of 2103[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.104[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.105[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.106[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.107[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.108[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.109[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.110[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.111[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.112[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.113[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.114[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.115[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.116[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:05Z] ▶ Failed to list packages via `go list`. Parsing go.mod file instead.117[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:07Z] ▶ Using commit 75583dd8d5e655cd650c781b34b460b0b445647c118 of vulnerability database119[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ using schema model 15120[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: go.mod121[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/dlv/go.mod122[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/gitaly-init-cgroups/go.mod123[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/go-licenses/go.mod124[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/gocover-cobertura/go.mod125[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/gofumpt/go.mod126[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/goimports/go.mod127[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/golangci-lint/go.mod128[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/gotestsum/go.mod129[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/govulncheck/go.mod130[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/protoc-gen-doc/go.mod131[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/protoc-gen-go/go.mod132[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/protoc-gen-go-grpc/go.mod133[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/protogem/Gemfile.lock134[INFO] [Gemnasium] [2025-01-29T01:05:08Z] ▶ Cannot auto-remediate dependency file, not supported: tools/protolint/go.mod136Uploading artifacts...137**/gl-sbom-*.cdx.json: found 15 matching artifact files and directories 138WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com139WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected140Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8979101436 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66141Uploading artifacts...142**/gl-sbom-*.cdx.json: found 15 matching artifact files and directories 143WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com144WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected145Uploading artifacts as "cyclonedx" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8979101436 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66146Uploading artifacts...147gl-dependency-scanning-report.json: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 148WARNING: Upload request redirected location= new-url=https://gitlab.com149WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected150Uploading artifacts as "dependency_scanning" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8979101436 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-66152Job succeeded