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Commit 2ceeecb9 authored by Patrick Steinhardt's avatar Patrick Steinhardt
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Merge branch 'pks-praefect-datastore-collector-metrics-endpoint-v14.4' into '14-4-stable'

praefect: Backport separate endpoint for datastore collector (v14.4)

See merge request !4094
parents c1cf3752 3cde9b5e
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Pipeline #412384775 passed
......@@ -199,8 +199,6 @@ func run(cfg config.Cfg) error {
return fmt.Errorf("linguist instance creation: %w", err)
b.StopAction = gitalyServerFactory.GracefulStop
rubySrv := rubyserver.New(cfg)
if err := rubySrv.Start(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initialize gitaly-ruby: %v", err)
......@@ -303,5 +301,5 @@ func run(cfg config.Cfg) error {
return b.Wait(cfg.GracefulRestartTimeout.Duration())
return b.Wait(cfg.GracefulRestartTimeout.Duration(), gitalyServerFactory.GracefulStop)
......@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@ import (
......@@ -144,7 +146,14 @@ func main() {
logger.Fatalf("%s", err)
if err := run(starterConfigs, conf); err != nil {
b, err := bootstrap.New()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("unable to create a bootstrap: %v", err)
dbPromRegistry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
if err := run(starterConfigs, conf, b, prometheus.DefaultRegisterer, dbPromRegistry); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("%v", err)
......@@ -187,18 +196,27 @@ func configure(conf config.Config) {
sentry.ConfigureSentry(version.GetVersion(), conf.Sentry)
func run(cfgs []starter.Config, conf config.Config) error {
nodeLatencyHistogram, err := metrics.RegisterNodeLatency(conf.Prometheus)
func run(
cfgs []starter.Config,
conf config.Config,
b bootstrap.Listener,
promreg prometheus.Registerer,
dbPromRegistry interface {
) error {
nodeLatencyHistogram, err := metrics.RegisterNodeLatency(conf.Prometheus, promreg)
if err != nil {
return err
delayMetric, err := metrics.RegisterReplicationDelay(conf.Prometheus)
delayMetric, err := metrics.RegisterReplicationDelay(conf.Prometheus, promreg)
if err != nil {
return err
latencyMetric, err := metrics.RegisterReplicationLatency(conf.Prometheus)
latencyMetric, err := metrics.RegisterReplicationLatency(conf.Prometheus, promreg)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -385,18 +403,21 @@ func run(cfgs []starter.Config, conf config.Config) error {
metricsCollectors = append(metricsCollectors, transactionManager, coordinator, repl)
if db != nil {
datastore.NewRepositoryStoreCollector(logger, conf.VirtualStorageNames(), db, conf.Prometheus.ScrapeTimeout),
b, err := bootstrap.New()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create a bootstrap: %v", err)
repositoryStoreCollector := datastore.NewRepositoryStoreCollector(logger, conf.VirtualStorageNames(), db, conf.Prometheus.ScrapeTimeout)
// Eventually, database-related metrics will always be exported via a separate
// endpoint such that it's possible to set a different scraping interval and thus to
// reduce database load. For now though, we register the metrics twice, once for the
// standard and once for the database-specific endpoint. This is done to ensure a
// transitory period where deployments can be moved to the new endpoint without
// causing breakage if they still use the old endpoint.
if !conf.PrometheusExcludeDatabaseFromDefaultMetrics {
b.StopAction = srvFactory.GracefulStop
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
srv, err := srvFactory.Create(cfg.IsSecure())
if err != nil {
......@@ -416,9 +437,13 @@ func run(cfgs []starter.Config, conf config.Config) error {
return err
serveMux := http.NewServeMux()
serveMux.Handle("/db_metrics", promhttp.HandlerFor(dbPromRegistry, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}))
go func() {
if err := monitoring.Start(
monitoring.WithBuildInformation(praefect.GetVersion(), praefect.GetBuildTime())); err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Errorf("Unable to start prometheus listener: %v", conf.PrometheusListenAddr)
......@@ -448,7 +473,7 @@ func run(cfgs []starter.Config, conf config.Config) error {
go r.Run(ctx, helper.NewTimerTicker(interval))
......@@ -476,7 +501,7 @@ func run(cfgs []starter.Config, conf config.Config) error {
logger.Warn(`Repository cleanup background task disabled as "repositories_cleanup.run_interval" is not set or 0.`)
return b.Wait(conf.GracefulStopTimeout.Duration())
return b.Wait(conf.GracefulStopTimeout.Duration(), srvFactory.GracefulStop)
func getStarterConfigs(conf config.Config) ([]starter.Config, error) {
......@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ import (
......@@ -108,10 +109,10 @@ func TestRemoveRepository_Exec(t *testing.T) {
starterConfigs, err := getStarterConfigs(conf)
require.NoError(t, err)
stopped := make(chan struct{})
bootstrapper := bootstrap.NewNoop()
go func() {
defer close(stopped)
err := run(starterConfigs, conf)
assert.EqualError(t, err, `received signal "terminated"`)
assert.NoError(t, run(starterConfigs, conf, bootstrapper, prometheus.NewRegistry(), prometheus.NewRegistry()))
cc, err := client.Dial("unix://"+conf.SocketPath, nil)
......@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ func TestRemoveRepository_Exec(t *testing.T) {
requireNoDatabaseInfo(t, db, cmd)
require.NoError(t, syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGTERM))
......@@ -22,11 +22,18 @@ const (
socketReusePortWarning = "Unable to set SO_REUSEPORT: zero downtime upgrades will not work"
// Listener is an interface of the bootstrap manager.
type Listener interface {
// RegisterStarter adds starter to the pool.
RegisterStarter(starter Starter)
// Start starts all registered starters to accept connections.
Start() error
// Wait terminates all registered starters.
Wait(gracefulTimeout time.Duration, stopAction func()) error
// Bootstrap handles graceful upgrades
type Bootstrap struct {
// StopAction will be invoked during a graceful stop. It must wait until the shutdown is completed
StopAction func()
upgrader upgrader
listenFunc ListenFunc
errChan chan error
......@@ -152,7 +159,8 @@ func (b *Bootstrap) Start() error {
// Wait will signal process readiness to the parent and than wait for an exit condition
// SIGTERM, SIGINT and a runtime error will trigger an immediate shutdown
// in case of an upgrade there will be a grace period to complete the ongoing requests
func (b *Bootstrap) Wait(gracefulTimeout time.Duration) error {
// stopAction will be invoked during a graceful stop. It must wait until the shutdown is completed.
func (b *Bootstrap) Wait(gracefulTimeout time.Duration, stopAction func()) error {
signals := []os.Signal{syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT}
immediateShutdown := make(chan os.Signal, len(signals))
signal.Notify(immediateShutdown, signals...)
......@@ -168,7 +176,7 @@ func (b *Bootstrap) Wait(gracefulTimeout time.Duration) error {
// the new process signaled its readiness and we started a graceful stop
// however no further upgrades can be started until this process is running
// we set a grace period and then we force a termination.
waitError := b.waitGracePeriod(gracefulTimeout, immediateShutdown)
waitError := b.waitGracePeriod(gracefulTimeout, immediateShutdown, stopAction)
err = fmt.Errorf("graceful upgrade: %v", waitError)
case s := <-immediateShutdown:
......@@ -180,13 +188,13 @@ func (b *Bootstrap) Wait(gracefulTimeout time.Duration) error {
return err
func (b *Bootstrap) waitGracePeriod(gracefulTimeout time.Duration, kill <-chan os.Signal) error {
func (b *Bootstrap) waitGracePeriod(gracefulTimeout time.Duration, kill <-chan os.Signal, stopAction func()) error {
log.WithField("graceful_timeout", gracefulTimeout).Warn("starting grace period")
allServersDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
if b.StopAction != nil {
if stopAction != nil {
......@@ -210,3 +218,51 @@ func (b *Bootstrap) listen(network, path string) (net.Listener, error) {
return b.listenFunc(network, path)
// Noop is a bootstrapper that does no additional configurations.
type Noop struct {
starters []Starter
shutdown chan struct{}
errChan chan error
// NewNoop returns initialized instance of the *Noop.
func NewNoop() *Noop {
return &Noop{shutdown: make(chan struct{})}
// RegisterStarter adds starter to the pool.
func (n *Noop) RegisterStarter(starter Starter) {
n.starters = append(n.starters, starter)
// Start starts all registered starters to accept connections.
func (n *Noop) Start() error {
n.errChan = make(chan error, len(n.starters))
for _, start := range n.starters {
if err := start(net.Listen, n.errChan); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Wait terminates all registered starters.
func (n *Noop) Wait(_ time.Duration, stopAction func()) error {
select {
case <-n.shutdown:
if stopAction != nil {
case err := <-n.errChan:
return err
return nil
// Terminate unblocks Wait method and executes stopAction call-back passed into it.
func (n *Noop) Terminate() {
......@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ func TestImmediateTerminationOnSocketError(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
b, server := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
b, server, stopAction := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
waitCh := make(chan error)
go func() { waitCh <- b.Wait(2 * time.Second) }()
go func() { waitCh <- b.Wait(2*time.Second, stopAction) }()
require.NoError(t, server.listeners["tcp"].Close(), "Closing first listener")
......@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ func TestImmediateTerminationOnSignal(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
b, server := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
b, server, stopAction := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
done := server.slowRequest(3 * time.Minute)
waitCh := make(chan error)
go func() { waitCh <- b.Wait(2 * time.Second) }()
go func() { waitCh <- b.Wait(2*time.Second, stopAction) }()
// make sure we are inside b.Wait() or we'll kill the test suite
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
......@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ func TestGracefulTerminationStuck(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
b, server := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
b, server, stopAction := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 3*time.Second, 2*time.Second, nil)
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 3*time.Second, 2*time.Second, nil, stopAction)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "grace period expired")
......@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ func TestGracefulTerminationWithSignals(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(sig.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
b, server := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
b, server, stopAction := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 1*time.Second, 2*time.Second, func() {
require.NoError(t, self.Signal(sig))
}, stopAction)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "force shutdown")
......@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ func TestGracefulTerminationWithSignals(t *testing.T) {
func TestGracefulTerminationServerErrors(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
b, server := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
b, server, _ := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
done := make(chan error, 1)
// This is a simulation of receiving a listener error during waitGracePeriod
b.StopAction = func() {
stopAction := func() {
// we close the unix listener in order to test that the shutdown will not fail, but it keep waiting for the TCP request
require.NoError(t, server.listeners["unix"].Close())
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func TestGracefulTerminationServerErrors(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, server.server.Shutdown(context.Background()))
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 3*time.Second, 2*time.Second, nil)
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 3*time.Second, 2*time.Second, nil, stopAction)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "grace period expired")
require.NoError(t, <-done)
......@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ func TestGracefulTerminationServerErrors(t *testing.T) {
func TestGracefulTermination(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := testhelper.Context()
defer cancel()
b, server := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
b, server, _ := makeBootstrap(t, ctx)
// Using server.Close we bypass the graceful shutdown faking a completed shutdown
b.StopAction = func() { server.server.Close() }
stopAction := func() { server.server.Close() }
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 1*time.Second, 2*time.Second, nil)
err := testGracefulUpdate(t, server, b, 1*time.Second, 2*time.Second, nil, stopAction)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "completed")
......@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ func TestPortReuse(t *testing.T) {
func testGracefulUpdate(t *testing.T, server *testServer, b *Bootstrap, waitTimeout, gracefulWait time.Duration, duringGracePeriodCallback func()) error {
func testGracefulUpdate(t *testing.T, server *testServer, b *Bootstrap, waitTimeout, gracefulWait time.Duration, duringGracePeriodCallback func(), stopAction func()) error {
waitCh := make(chan error)
go func() { waitCh <- b.Wait(gracefulWait) }()
go func() { waitCh <- b.Wait(gracefulWait, stopAction) }()
// Start a slow request to keep the old server from shutting down immediately.
req := server.slowRequest(2 * gracefulWait)
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ func testGracefulUpdate(t *testing.T, server *testServer, b *Bootstrap, waitTime
return waitErr
func makeBootstrap(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) (*Bootstrap, *testServer) {
func makeBootstrap(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) (*Bootstrap, *testServer, func()) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
......@@ -292,8 +292,6 @@ func makeBootstrap(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) (*Bootstrap, *testServer)
b, err := _new(u, net.Listen, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
b.StopAction = func() { require.NoError(t, s.Shutdown(context.Background())) }
listeners := make(map[string]net.Listener)
start := func(network, address string) Starter {
return func(listen ListenFunc, errors chan<- error) error {
......@@ -333,7 +331,7 @@ func makeBootstrap(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) (*Bootstrap, *testServer)
server: &s,
listeners: listeners,
url: url,
}, func() { require.NoError(t, s.Shutdown(context.Background())) }
func testAllListeners(t *testing.T, listeners map[string]net.Listener) {
......@@ -123,10 +123,16 @@ type Config struct {
Sentry sentry.Config `toml:"sentry"`
PrometheusListenAddr string `toml:"prometheus_listen_addr"`
Prometheus prometheus.Config `toml:"prometheus"`
Auth auth.Config `toml:"auth"`
TLS config.TLS `toml:"tls"`
DB `toml:"database"`
Failover Failover `toml:"failover"`
// PrometheusExcludeDatabaseFromDefaultMetrics excludes database-related metrics from the
// default metrics. If set to `false`, then database metrics will be available both via
// `/metrics` and `/db_metrics`. Otherwise, they will only be accessible via `/db_metrics`.
// Defaults to `false`. This is used as a transitory configuration key: eventually, database
// metrics will always be removed from the standard metrics endpoint.
PrometheusExcludeDatabaseFromDefaultMetrics bool `toml:"prometheus_exclude_database_from_default_metrics"`
Auth auth.Config `toml:"auth"`
TLS config.TLS `toml:"tls"`
DB `toml:"database"`
Failover Failover `toml:"failover"`
// Keep for legacy reasons: remove after Omnibus has switched
FailoverEnabled bool `toml:"failover_enabled"`
MemoryQueueEnabled bool `toml:"memory_queue_enabled"`
......@@ -11,21 +11,25 @@ import (
// This is kept for backwards compatibility as some alerting rules depend on this.
// The unavailable repositories is a more accurate description for the metric and
// is exported below so we can migrate to it.
var descReadOnlyRepositories = prometheus.NewDesc(
"Number of repositories in read-only mode within a virtual storage.",
var descUnavailableRepositories = prometheus.NewDesc(
"Number of repositories that have no healthy, up to date replicas.",
var (
// This is kept for backwards compatibility as some alerting rules depend on this.
// The unavailable repositories is a more accurate description for the metric and
// is exported below so we can migrate to it.
descReadOnlyRepositories = prometheus.NewDesc(
"Number of repositories in read-only mode within a virtual storage.",
descUnavailableRepositories = prometheus.NewDesc(
"Number of repositories that have no healthy, up to date replicas.",
descriptions = []*prometheus.Desc{descReadOnlyRepositories, descUnavailableRepositories}
// RepositoryStoreCollector collects metrics from the RepositoryStore.
......@@ -47,7 +51,9 @@ func NewRepositoryStoreCollector(log logrus.FieldLogger, virtualStorages []strin
func (c *RepositoryStoreCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
prometheus.DescribeByCollect(c, ch)
for _, desc := range descriptions {
ch <- desc
func (c *RepositoryStoreCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
......@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ func (c *RepositoryStoreCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
for _, vs := range c.virtualStorages {
for _, desc := range []*prometheus.Desc{descReadOnlyRepositories, descUnavailableRepositories} {
for _, desc := range descriptions {
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(unavailableCounts[vs]), vs)
......@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ package datastore
import (
......@@ -211,3 +215,33 @@ gitaly_praefect_unavailable_repositories{virtual_storage="virtual-storage-2"} 0
type checkIfQueriedDB struct {
queried bool
func (c *checkIfQueriedDB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
c.queried = true
return nil, errors.New("QueryContext should not be called")
func (c *checkIfQueriedDB) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
c.queried = true
return &sql.Row{}
func (c *checkIfQueriedDB) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
c.queried = true
return nil, errors.New("ExecContext should not be called")
func TestRepositoryStoreCollector_CollectNotCalledOnRegister(t *testing.T) {
logger, _ := test.NewNullLogger()
var db checkIfQueriedDB
c := NewRepositoryStoreCollector(logger, []string{"virtual-storage-1", "virtual-storage-2"}, &db, 2*time.Second)
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
assert.False(t, db.queried)
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
// RegisterReplicationDelay creates and registers a prometheus histogram
// to observe replication delay times
func RegisterReplicationDelay(conf gitalycfgprom.Config) (metrics.HistogramVec, error) {
func RegisterReplicationDelay(conf gitalycfgprom.Config, registerer prometheus.Registerer) (metrics.HistogramVec, error) {
replicationDelay := prometheus.NewHistogramVec(
Namespace: "gitaly",
......@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ func RegisterReplicationDelay(conf gitalycfgprom.Config) (metrics.HistogramVec,
return replicationDelay, prometheus.Register(replicationDelay)
return replicationDelay, registerer.Register(replicationDelay)
// RegisterReplicationLatency creates and registers a prometheus histogram
// to observe replication latency times
func RegisterReplicationLatency(conf gitalycfgprom.Config) (metrics.HistogramVec, error) {
func RegisterReplicationLatency(conf gitalycfgprom.Config, registerer prometheus.Registerer) (metrics.HistogramVec, error) {
replicationLatency := prometheus.NewHistogramVec(
Namespace: "gitaly",
......@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ func RegisterReplicationLatency(conf gitalycfgprom.Config) (metrics.HistogramVec
return replicationLatency, prometheus.Register(replicationLatency)
return replicationLatency, registerer.Register(replicationLatency)
// RegisterNodeLatency creates and registers a prometheus histogram to
// observe internal node latency
func RegisterNodeLatency(conf gitalycfgprom.Config) (metrics.HistogramVec, error) {
func RegisterNodeLatency(conf gitalycfgprom.Config, registerer prometheus.Registerer) (metrics.HistogramVec, error) {
nodeLatency := prometheus.NewHistogramVec(
Namespace: "gitaly",
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func RegisterNodeLatency(conf gitalycfgprom.Config) (metrics.HistogramVec, error
}, []string{"gitaly_storage"},
return nodeLatency, prometheus.Register(nodeLatency)
return nodeLatency, registerer.Register(nodeLatency)
var MethodTypeCounter = promauto.NewCounterVec(
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