Draft: 17.11 Foundations:Import and Integrate Planning
- 8 BE: @carlad-gl, @georgekoltsov, @jnutt, @knejad, @.luke, @reza-marandi, @rodrigo.tomonari, @SamWord
- 2 FE: @justin_ho, @obaiye
- 1 shared SEC: @ameyadarshan
- TW: @ashrafkhamis
- SSC: @anton
- EM: @wortschi
- PM: @m_frankiewicz
Capacity / OOO
Team | Weight |
backend | |
frontend |
Anticipated % split for features/bugs/maintenance
- 40% features (weight)
- 30% bugs (weight)
- 30% maintenance (weight)
High level Objectives / Progress on quarterly OKRs
typefeature list
Product prioritized- Any %"17.x" carryover
- Not started
- item
- At risk of slipping
- item
- Not started
- New feature work
- Direct transfer
User mapping - Delete placeholder users when to... (gitlab-org/gitlab#473256) -
Add audit events for project and group imports ... (gitlab-org/gitlab#441977) for DT GA, but lower priority, could do only part for DT and not import/export -
Direct Transfer - Contributions of ghost user s... (gitlab-org/gitlab#514014) -
Direct-transfer placeholder users: list Enterpr... (gitlab-org/gitlab#510673)
- 3rd party importers
- Integrations/Webhooks
- Direct transfer
typemaintenance list
Engineering prioritized- Any %"17.x" carryover
- Not started
- item
- At risk of slipping
- item
- New maintenance work
- Direct transfer
- 3rd party importers
- item
- Integrations/Webhooks
- item
- Other (e.g. Cells)
Refactor built-in project creation by template ... (gitlab-org/gitlab#511960) -
Migrate existing instance integrations from int... (gitlab-org/gitlab#474810) (Cells for Integrations) -
Create code that duplicates instance integratio... (gitlab-org/gitlab#474811) (Cells for Integrations) -
[Feature Flag] Enable bitbucket_server_notes_se... (gitlab-org/gitlab#456262) -
[Feature flag] Cleanup importer_user_mapping (gitlab-org/gitlab#508944) (need to decide on go-no-go for feature flag removal) -
[Feature flag] Cleanup gitea_user_mapping (gitlab-org/gitlab#512211) (need to decide on go-no-go for feature flag removal) -
[Feature flag] Cleanup github_user_mapping (gitlab-org/gitlab#510963) (need to decide on go-no-go for feature flag removal) -
[Feature flag] Cleanup bulk_import_importer_use... (gitlab-org/gitlab#508945) (need to decide on go-no-go for feature flag removal) -
[Feature flag] Cleanup bitbucket_server_user_ma... (gitlab-org/gitlab#512213) (need to decide on go-no-go for feature flag removal) -
Set sharding keys for feature category `integra... (gitlab-org/gitlab#463856) -
Enhance instrumentation for exported projects (gitlab-org/gitlab#520425) -
Import and Integrate - Audit and fix gitlab-rai... (gitlab-org/gitlab#521839) (for our Engineering-wide gem audit)
typebug list
Prioritized- Any %"17.x" carryover
- Not started
- item
- At risk of slipping
- item
- New bugs
- Security
https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/500081+ - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/505084+ (this is related to https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/500081+ and will not require additional effort)
- UX debt
- item
- Direct transfer
Direct Transfer - Statement timeout causes miss... (gitlab-org/gitlab#509325) DT GA -
UserContributionsExportWorker can re-enqueue it... (gitlab-org/gitlab#512525) -
Project imported by file export/direct transfer... (gitlab-org/gitlab#458367) DT GA -
Direct transfer - group fails to import to grou... (gitlab-org/gitlab#519401 - closed) -
Direct Transfer - burnup/burndown charts are in... (gitlab-org/gitlab#520591) -
Direct Transfer - Select parent group downdown ... (gitlab-org/gitlab#523174) frontend
- 3rd party importers
- item
- Integrations/Webhooks
- item
- Other
- item
- Security
Release Post Items
Status | Issue | Release Post MR |
Write milestone objectives. -
Discuss capacity (OOO plans). -
Review the roadmap and milestone objectives with the team. -
Issues that can be delivered in 17.x, label with priority label ~"milestone::x" and set milestone to 17.x
. -
Publish the planning call video. Group playlist. -
Link planning issue for the next milestone to this one.
Edited by Martin Wortschack