Bohdan Parkhomchuk authored
MR: !191
Bohdan Parkhomchuk authoredMR: !191
GitLab Extension for Visual Studio IDE
This extension integrates GitLab Duo with Visual Studio (Community, Pro, and Enterprise). It supports GitLab Duo Code Suggestions and GitLab Duo Chat.
With Code Suggestions, you get:
- Code completion, which suggests completions for the current line you are typing. These suggestions usually have low latency.
- Code generation, which generates code based on a natural-language code comment block. Responses for code generation are slower than code completion, and returned in a single block.
With Chat, you get the ability to ask general or GitLab specific questions in the main chat window, as well as the following slash commands:
- Explain code, which provides an explanation of selected code snippets from your editor.
- Refactor code, which provides refactoring suggestions for selected code snippets from your editor.
- Generate tests, which provides test generation suggestions for selected code snippets from your editor.
- Fix code, which provides quick fixes for selected code snippets from your editor.
To learn more, see:
Version compatibility
This extension requires:
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 or later.
- GitLab version 16.1 and later.
- GitLab Duo Code Suggestions requires GitLab version 16.8 or later.
Visual Studio for Mac is not supported.
Download the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
For setup instructions, see Configure the extension.
Visual Studio Code
For the Visual Studio Code extension, see GitLab Workflow.
To learn more about this project's team, processes, and plans, see the Create:Editor Extensions Group page in the GitLab handbook.
For a list of all open issues in this project, see the issues page for this project.
See the troubleshooting documentation in the GitLab documentation. If those instructions don't solve your problem, report an issue in the project.
We'd love to hear from you. If you've found a bug, or have an idea, open an issue.
This extension is open source and hosted on GitLab. Contributions are more than welcome and subject to the terms set forth in CONTRIBUTING. Feel free to fork and add new features or submit bug reports. See CONTRIBUTING for more information.