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    Bot to manage issues for CI pipelines failures.

    GoDoc Go Report Card


    Teams often need to be aware of failures in continuous integration pipelines. Typically, this is achieved by sending notifications to a Slack channel.

    While this approach works, notifications in Slack can easily be missed - especially if multiple are sent in a short time period.

    Logging these events as issues with issue-bot provides several benefits:

    • Reduces risk of missing a pipeline failure due to heavy Slack activity
    • Records actions taken to resolve a failure providing both a record of knowledge and an audit trail
    • Patterns can be observed by linking failure Issues to root-cause issues

    Eventually, this could be a great built-in feature of GitLab, similar to the way release-cli is integrated into GitLab CI to generate Releases.

    How it works

    1. The 'issue-bot' job is triggered (on_failure).
    2. issue-bot creates an issue with the branch name and commit SHA in the title.
    3. issue-bot fills in the issue description with a link to failed pipeline, related commit, and list of links to failed jobs
    4. issue-bot labels the issue with:
      • pipeline failure
      • pipeline failure::needs investigation
      • labels listed in ISSUE_BOT_LABELS_EXTRA (see Custom labels)

    If the same pipeline is retried (meaning that a pipeline ran for the same combination of branch name and commit SHA), then issue-bot will recognize that an issue already exists and will not create a duplicate issue.

    If the issue exists but is closed, then it will reopen the issue.

    If ISSUE_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID is configured, then issues will be created in the specified project. The issue title will be prefixed with the project name where the pipeline failure occurred. This option can be used when a project has a custom issue tracker in a separate project.

    Using scoped labels, an issue board can be made using the pipeline failure labels:

    • pipeline failure::needs investigation
    • pipeline failure::under investigation


    For many examples of issues generated from CI, see the Distribution team pipeline failure board.


    1. Create an access token with api scope.
      • Project access tokens can be helpful here.
      • If using a project access token, select the Guest role or higher.
    2. Add a project variable named ISSUE_BOT_API_TOKEN and paste your access token. Be sure it is masked.
    3. Add the following snippet to your CI configuration file:
      stage: report
      script: /issue-bot
          when: on_failure

    The next time the pipeline fails, this job will run and create an issue in the project. The logs in this job will include a link to this issue.


    Below are instructions for advanced use cases of issue-bot.

    Create issues in a separate project

    You can optionally tell issue-bot to create Issues in a separate project by configuring the following variables:

    • ISSUE_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID: The project ID of the project where you want Issues to be created (example: 12345)

    Create issues in a separate GitLab instance

    You can optionally tell issue-bot to create Issues on a separate instance of GitLab by configuring the following variables:

    • ISSUE_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID: The project ID of the project where you want Issues to be created (example: 12345)
    • ISSUE_TRACKER_BASE_URL: The base URL of the instance where Issues will be created (example:
    • ISSUE_TRACKER_API_TOKEN: The access token (with api scope) with access to create issues in the desired project (example: abcd123)

    Use custom labels

    Override and expand default labels using environment variables:

    variable default description
    ISSUE_BOT_LABEL_FAILURE pipeline failure Non-nested label used to easily filter for pipeline-failure-related issues.
    ISSUE_BOT_LABEL_READY pipeline failure::needs investigation Indicates that the Issue requires investigation into the root cause of the failure.
    ISSUE_BOT_LABEL_IN_PROGRESS pipeline failure::under investigation Indicates that the Issue is under investigation into the root cause of the failure.
    ISSUE_BOT_LABELS_EXTRA empty Comma-separated list of additional labels to be applied to created issues. Example: label1::foo,label2,label3.

    Notes on use of labels

    Note that any labels provided in ISSUE_BOT_LABEL_FAILURE and ISSUE_BOT_LABELS_EXTRA should not be removed or changed after the issue is created. Otherwise, when issue-bot checks to see if an issue already exists before creating a new one, it will not be able to find an existing issue with the desired extra labels, and will therefore create a new ("duplicate") issue with the proper extra labels.

    For example: if setting ISSUE_BOT_LABELS_EXTRA="abcd,foo::bar", then you:

    • should not later remove label abcd from the issue
    • should not later change label foo::bar to foo:baz on the issue