Source Code group 12.2 planning (Aug 22)
Release planning for the Source Code group
12.2 Release Board
Overview –In 12.2, priorities are:
- urgent customer priority
- improving CODEOWNERS to prevent pushing to protected branches if their is a code owner for any of the paths ~promised
Git push audit logging due to UX problems -
improve squash reliability to Backlog since primary mitigations have already been implemented
- implementing missing multiple approval rules API
- improve repository browsing performance &159 (closed)
use merge-refs for merge request diffs to 12.3 due to capacity -
display change that made diff outdated to 12.4 due to capacity
- gitaly-shell migration &706 (closed)
- remove Gitaly n+1 &827
- minimal UX / ~"ux ready" refinements
- OKRs?
Please see UX board for full release plans
significantly reduced capacity! @pedroms is on leave.
Frontend 12.2: Deliverable / Stretch Board
Please see Frontend board for this release
- FE weight: TODO
Backend 12.2: Deliverable / Stretch Board
Please see Backend board for this release
- BE weight: 40
Product process checklist
Notes to self, and to help me document my process for new PM's as they join. I typically work through these boards and issues, in the order listed below grooming the issues.
- Create groups for milestone - make sure every issue in the milestone has the correct group assigned
- Deliverables / Stretch / NPR for milestone - quick view of what is/isn't deliverable, pretty much everything non-deliverable should be removed from the milestone by kick off to prevent confusion that it will be implemented
- BE / FE / Discovery for milestone - make sure very issue has either BE, or FE, or both assigned
- Create groups for HackerOne - make sure every HackerOne security issues has the correct group assigned
- Bugs
- Security issues sorted by due date - make sure all security issues with an upcoming due date are assigned to meet our security SLA
- Bugs
- Groom the issues already assigned to the current milestone for correct label hygiene
- Check/update past milestones for wayward issues
- Check/update relevant category visions (source code management, code review)
- Add vision items
- Add security items
- Add bugs
- Carefully check ~promised items for customers are scheduled or well communicated