Source Code Planning 15.5
Event | Date |
Release Start Date | 9/19/2022 |
Feature Freeze | 10/17/2022 |
Release Date | 10/22/2022 |
Milestone Workdays | |
Backend Weight Budget | 35 |
Frontend Weight Budget | 18.5 |
Key Themes
- MVP: view source code rules organized by branches
- UI performance improvements
Detailed break down
FeaturesMVP: view source code rules organized by branches
- Deliverable %15.5 - Add branch rules details to the list of branch rules 2 frontend backend
- Deliverable %15.5 - Branch rules MVC: Display branch rules details 2 frontend backend
UX improvements
- Deliverable %15.4 will likely slip to %15.5 - Add ability to link to a line on File Blame page 2 frontend UX
Faster syntax highlighting using Highlight.js
- This is not a very high priority. However, if some of those frontend issues marked as 'might slip' get finished in %15.4 after all, we can replace them with issues from Link to package managers when viewing dependency files with highlight.js pulling from the top.
Helping others
Deliverable spike %15.5 - Document how the LFS calculations work with forking
- This spike is to prepare Forked repositories do not deduplicate LFS objects
Spikes to provide input to upcoming product decisions
Deliverable spike %15.5 - to Determine how and where to count lines of code ... (gitlab#373712 - closed)
- Supporting the assessment of Report number of lines per language in repository charts
Deliverable spike %15.5 - Better display of tags and branches in commit view
- The spike aims to analyze if/how we can make sure that the current functionality of showing tags and branches that contain the commit is also supported in bigger projects of the size of GitLab where you currently just get
Branches unavailable
Tags unavailable
with a tooltipProject has too many branches/tags to search
. This spike actually answers questions that relate to both these features: - The features are rather popular:
- 5 big customers are asking for this
- SUSFY22 Q1 - Incomplete
- The spike aims to analyze if/how we can make sure that the current functionality of showing tags and branches that contain the commit is also supported in bigger projects of the size of GitLab where you currently just get
- Deliverable %15.5 - [Feature flag] Rollout of `escape_gitaly_refs` (gitlab#366437 - closed) 1 backend feature flag
- Deliverable %15.5 - [Feature flag] Rollout of `use_gitaly_paginatio... (gitlab#372049 - closed) 1 backend feature flag
- Deliverable %15.5 - [Feature flag] Cleanup extract_mr_diff_deletions (gitlab#373498 - closed) 1 backend feature flag
- Deliverable %15.5 Improve browser Total Blocking Time (TBT) performance of Project Files Tree page into S2 tier 3 typebug bugperformance frontend severity1
Deliverable %15.5 - Page load performance issues when CODEOWNERS contains a large amount of members typebug severity3 frontend
- while there is an opportunity to also improve the backend by only sending five codeowners, this is not planned for now.
- Deliverable %15.5 - Clicking Line in File Sometimes Reverts Permalink URL frontend
- Deliverable %15.5 - Split content into chunks after Highlight.js has highlighted content typemaintenance frontend
- Deliverable %15.5 - Multi-line rendering incorrectly on .gitlab-ci.yaml in "View File" mode frontend
Deliverable %15.5 - Permalink (
) hotkey not working typebug severity3 frontend
- Deliverable %15.5 - Improve browser Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) performance of Project File Rendered page into S3 tier 2 frontend backend bugperformance
Deliverable %15.5 - Group project template cannot be seen by inherited member 3 customer backend
- 4 Customers (1 very large ultimate)
- Deliverable %15.5 - Blind SSRF in repository mirroring using DNS re... (gitlab#353018 - closed) backend bugvulnerability due April 2022, see comment
- Deliverable %15.5 - 500 Error viewing a single large commit bugtransient backend severity2
- Deliverable %15.5 - Squash commit message does not honor regex settings backend customer severity2
- Deliverable %15.5 - Codeowners approver list not showing correctly typebug backend severity3? customer
Deliverable %15.5 - Project API
works initially despite of not having a Premium license 2 backend- potential revenue loss
Deliverable %15.5 - Improve caching on raw endpoints backend typemaintenance
- Helping others that have a security issue due end of August
- Deliverable %15.5 - Add instrumentation for cache metrics backend typemaintenance
- Stretch %15.5 - Switch to google-protobuf v2 API 2 backend
- Stretch %15.5 - Convert `diffs/_file` partial into a ViewComponent (gitlab#321302 - closed) 3 backend
%15.5 (unless new issues of this type come up)
What we don't have to do in- For the first time in a very long-time we start a new milestone without having any open infradev, security, or availabilitylimit.
- With one exception though: Blind SSRF in repository mirroring using DNS re... (gitlab#353018 - closed) is a security. However, it is currently workflowblocked by Unfortunately, the Gitaly team has reduced capacity due to an FCL & FedRAMP vulnerability work. Once it is unblocked @mparuszewski kindly volunteered to pick it up.
- With the recent improvements, we are no longer exceeding our Error budget.
Team Capacity
- Total Weight Capacity: 49
- FE Weight: 14
- BE Weight: 35
New Planning boards based on - Backend
- Frontend
- Old planning board in case someone needs it.
Build Boards
Frontend Engineering Manager
- Get Team Capacities and post them in a comment no later than the 10th of the month
- Obtain weights for proposed issues
- Recommend issues via engineering allocation as applicable
- Assign Deliverable Items for Milestone
Backend Engineering Manager
- Get Team Capacities and post them in a comment no later than the 10th of the month
- Obtain weights for proposed issues
- Recommend issues via engineering allocation as applicable
- Assign Deliverable Items for Milestone
Product Manager
- Define Key Themes
- Prepare planning board and submit it for initial capacity assessment and review
- Signs off on final plan
Stable counterparts
- Technical Writing (@aqualls)
This page may contain information related to upcoming products, features and functionality. It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only, so please do not rely on the information for purchasing or planning purposes. Just like with all projects, the items mentioned on the page are subject to change or delay, and the development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc.
)This page may contain information related to upcoming products, features and functionality. It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only, so please do not rely on the information for purchasing or planning purposes. Just like with all projects, the items mentioned on the page are subject to change or delay, and the development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc.