Feature Request: Exporting ci/cd variables for a project or group
Problem to solve
- Editing a lot of ci/cd variables for a project or group is cumbersome.
- As a CLI user I want to export all (or paginated subset) ci/cd variables to the json format.
- The output can be used to transform the json with tools like "jg" to a local ini file or just used as is, for local development.
- The ouput can be stored locally and editeted in batch.
- The next feature would be importing :)
- Create an "export" subcommand in the "variable" namespace
- Allow pagination with cli options.
- Just print indented json to the stdout, allow for handling the output yourself, pipeing it etc.
Further details
Proposed UI:
glab variable ex --help
Export project or group variables
glab variable export [flags]
-g, --group string Select a group/subgroup. This option is ignored if a repo argument is set.
-p, --page int Page number (default 1)
-P, --per-page int Number of items to list per page (default 100)
--help Show help for command
-R, --repo OWNER/REPO Select another repository using the OWNER/REPO or `GROUP/NAMESPACE/REPO` format or full URL or git URL
glab variable export
glab variable export --per-page 1000 --page 1
Links / references
Edited by madflow