xCode archiving takes >2 hours on macOS runners
A customer testing the GitLab SaaS macOS Runners beta [noted](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/runner-saas-macos-access-requests/-/issues/556#note_1358507557 the following issue related the duration to archive a project.
Looks like current macOS runner takes lots of time to archive the project:
Project: https://gitlab.com/rushangprajapati/fyndxcframework
Major Commands:
-xcodebuild archive -workspace FyndXcframework.xcworkspace -scheme FyndXcframework -destination "generic/platform=iOS" -archivePath "/Users/$USER/FDKXCFramework-Build/archives/fyndFDK-iOS" SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Automatic CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}
-xcodebuild archive -workspace FyndXcframework.xcworkspace -scheme FyndXcframework -destination "generic/platform=iOS" -archivePath "/Users/$USER/FDKXCFramework-Build/archives/fyndFDK-iOS" SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Automatic CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}
Yeah, we have few updates in the latest commit but it supposed to be not increase the build time by almost 60%.
I fired same commands in my local machine and it was taking the around just 40 mins so mostly it should be a issue of runner.
We had a same conversation for same issue but at that time, we are somewhere okay with around 2 hours and currently out pipeline failed due to its going over 3 hours.
Please help me here and let me know how to get the updated runner!!!!!
Tags: shared-macos-amd64 (current runner)