UX work / capacity planning in Verify:CI and Verify:Pipeline Authoring starting 13.6
Today Verify:Continuous Integration group is one of the most active ones in GitLab with a large number of issues, customer requests and improvements to be worked on. Recently, there was a split that divided Verify:CI into two smaller groups - Continuous Integration and Pipeline Authoring.
UX support
In June 2020 @v_mishra
was onboarded as a Sr. Product Designer to Verify:Continuous Integration and was handling a large amount of UX work. Veethika is doing a great job and provides strong support to her Product counterparts.
However, due to a high workload this is sometimes resulting into long working hours and does not leave much space for planning UX work for future releases to ensure that the Build track always has well-validated product opportunities ready to start.
is on-boarding to Verify team to help managing Pipeline Authoring group UX work. She will be taking role of a DRI for the preparation of all CI:Pipeline Authoring UX items for 13.6 (with Veethika's and @nudalova support) - Nadia S. and Veethika will work to calculate their UX milestone velocity in order to help PM plan the UX work realistically and ensure good quality outcome while avoid working over the hours using CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet for visibility
- Nadia S. and Veethika will start weighting UX issues and maintaining a list of a milestone UX work per each group using Milestone planning issues together with their PMs
CI UX Needs epic
Today, @v_mishra
and @thaoyeager
are leveraging CI UX Needs epic for similar purposes.
The epic has not proved to be very effective just yet, therefore I propose switching to use the CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet + CI Planning issues for UX work planning instead.
This way of planning seemed to be very effective for Nadia S. and Dov's work in the past - see APM Milestone planning issue for reference. @nadia_sotnikova
and @dhershkovitch
will be continuing to use this process for UX work planning in CI:Pipeline Authoring group.
Action plan
- Create a CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet @nudalova
- Fill in 13.6 UX items into CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet @nadia_sotnikova
- Fill in 13.6 UX items into CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet @v_mishra
- Fill in 13.7 UX items into CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet @nadia_sotnikova
- Fill in 13.7 UX items into CI/CD UX Planning Spreadsheet @v_mishra
- Plan a retrospective to discuss how the process worked for 2 milestones @nudalova