Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- CNG: Use Distroless base image
- Feature: Automatically remove old GitLab backups
- Document testing with openLDAP chart
- Implement extraKey for all object storage secrets
- Please review whether registry notifier is needed, and remove if not
- Spike: Investigate recommendations we're ignoring from kube-score
- Spike: Investigate and improve GKE ingress docs as an alternative to NGINX
- Sync Runner and GitLab Chart releases
- Geo: Improve documentation on how to configure Geo with a unified URL
- Clarify the expectations for documentation changes
- Geo docs: Require an ingress controller on secondary sites for internal traffic
- Make the production-ready deployments a first class citizen
- Redis::CannotConnectError on spec/features/backups_spec.rb
- 500s errors persist with LDAP removed but minimal configuration remains in chart values
- Gitab pod running with root priviledge - Security concern
- Add global tolerations in charts for all GitLab components
- Utility support for container registry metadata database commands
- Create container registry import guides for Charts
- Add 'skopeo' to charts-build-base image
- KAS should be reachable on a subdomain of Gitlab (frontend)
- Default to YAML examples instead of command line parameters when configuring charts
- Document configuring an embedding database
CNG: Distinguish between Asset and Runtime images
#4217 Deliverable devopssystems groupdistribution group::distributionbuild maintenancerefactor missed-deliverable missed:15.10 missed:15.11 missed:16.0 missed:16.1 missed:16.2 missed:16.3 missed:16.4 missed:16.5 missed:16.6 priority4 quad-planningcomplete-no-action sectioncore platform typemaintenance
CNG: Create separate builder images and pipeline
#4216 FY24Q2 devopssystems groupdistribution group::distributionbuild maintenancedependency missed:15.10 missed:15.11 missed:16.0 missed:16.1 missed:16.10 missed:16.11 missed:16.2 missed:16.3 missed:16.4 missed:16.5 missed:16.6 missed:16.7 missed:16.8 missed:16.9 sectioncore platform typemaintenance
- Run Vale and edit documentation pages for grammar, language, and style
- Rename the sub-charts page titles to match the others in the area
- Give the advanced configuration page a better/more descriptive title
- Move the upgrade notes and merge them with the releases pages
Offline/disconnected installation details
#3921 For Scheduling devopssystems documentation groupdistribution group::distributiondeploy missed:15.10 missed:15.11 missed:15.7 missed:15.8 missed:15.9 missed:16.0 missed:16.1 missed:16.10 missed:16.11 missed:16.2 missed:16.3 missed:16.4 missed:16.5 missed:16.6 missed:16.7 missed:16.8 missed:16.9 missed:17.0 sectioncore platform typeignore
- Container Registry: Support Mixing Secret and Non-Secret Storage Configuration
- Replace NGINX's PodSecurityPolicy objects with PodSecurityAdmission
- Redirect the external Omnibus-related docs in the advanced configuration
CNG: Review file download scripts and use GPG verification wherever applicable
#3480 Deliverable devopssystems groupdistribution group::distributionbuild maintenanceworkflow missed-deliverable missed:15.10 missed:15.11 missed:16.0 missed:16.1 missed:16.2 missed:16.3 missed:16.4 missed:16.5 missed:16.6 priority4 quad-planningcomplete-no-action sectioncore platform typemaintenance
- [CNG] Remove conditional command line configuration of Workhorse listener
- Add Dockerfile linting tools for CNG
- Improve registry import notification URL validation
- Allow to configure multiple hosts for Ingress
Allow configuration of image.registry and image.repository separately
#2859 Deliverable customer devopssystems featureenhancement groupdistribution group::distributiondeploy missed-deliverable missed:14.10 missed:14.9 missed:15.1 missed:15.2 missed:15.5 missed:15.8 missed:16.0 missed:16.1 missed:16.2 missed:16.3 missed:16.4 missed:16.5 missed:16.6 priority3 quad-planningcomplete-no-action release post item sectioncore platform typefeature
- Make Helm charts versions match GitLab versions
- Add installation bootstrap script for KinD
- Automate to update or just sync versions of JavaScript stuffs (Node, Yarn) with the upstream
- CNG: add graphicsmagick to the integration
- Convert Omnibus Grafana dashboards to GitLab chart
- When building the chart can we centrally configure the appVersion and version values?
- Consider providing an airgap bundle for KOTS
shared-secrets will overwrite global.railsSecret object
#1683 Deliverable FY25Q3 bugperformance devopssystems groupdistribution group::distributiondeploy maintenancerefactor missed-deliverable missed:14.10 missed:14.2 missed:14.3 missed:14.4 missed:14.5 missed:14.6 missed:14.7 missed:14.8 missed:14.9 missed:15.0 missed:15.1 missed:15.2 missed:16.2 missed:16.3 missed:16.4 missed:16.5 missed:16.6 priority3 sectioncore platform severity3 typebug vintage
- Migrate from on-prem LDAP to Oauth2 in Kubernetes
- Make liveness and readiness probe timeouts configurable
- GitLab config: Failures in job 'production_specs_eks' cannot fail the build
- Timeouts (30s) occurring with long requests on chart install?
- Custom labels per deployment
- Doc: provide sample config for Task Runner with GCS
- How to use dns challenge to verify ingress certificates?
- Pattern for backup/restore on other versions of PG than we ship
- Create examples for various values.yaml configuration options
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Dependencies: Minio chart images
- Proposal: add log streaming (like rsyslog)
- Add support for configuring relative_url
- Changelog: changelog_manager stage needs ability to commit back to master
- Use RHEL as a base image
- Helm 3 Design
- Once compatible with Kubernetes 1.27, allow the usage of CronJob time zones in the toolbox pod
- Automatically apply DB migrations during container registry upgrades
- NGINX sometimes does not take ownership of Ingress objects
- Update documentation for Linux package installation method name
- Add deprecation note to GitLab deprecations regarding KAS private tls
- Add subchart name guidance to the style guide
- Simplify enabling TLS to all KAS ports
Support Incremental backups in the backup-utility CNG script
#3421 Backup / Restore Category:Backup/Restore of GitLab instances Deliverable customer devopssystems featureenhancement groupdistribution group::distributiondeploy group::distributionoperate missed-deliverable missed:15.5 missed:15.6 priority2 quad-planningcomplete-no-action sectioncore platform severity3 typefeature
- Delay workhorse shutdown so that rails can cleanly terminate websocket connections
- Make sure all pages config options are mentioned in charts/gitlab/charts/gitlab-pages/values.yaml
- gitlab-postgresql-0 fails with a CrashLoopBackOff error when using efs dynamic provisioning
rpc error when mirroring repo to Github
#2789 Category:Cloud Native Installation Category:Source Code Management RedHat [deprecated] Accepting merge requests devopscreate documentation groupsource code missed:14.10 missed:14.4 missed:14.5 missed:14.6 missed:14.7 missed:14.8 missed:14.9 missed:15.0 missed:15.1 missed:15.2 sectiondev severity3 tw-weight5 typebug
- Container registry keep_n is not working as expected
- Docs: Add Pages bucket to various external object storage docs
- Default image.tag for kas sub-chart
- Docker push to self-hosted gitlab registry results in a 403 invalid character
- Can't execute sidekiq with queue list
- The docs changes for the change to the upstream Redis chart must be reviewed
- missing required field "selector" in scripts/kube-monkey-resources/kube-monkey-deployment.yaml
- Strategy for patches that have not yet been incorporated upstream, for Kubernetes deployment
- Deletion of project fails with useless error message: "Failed to open TCP connection to localhost:5000"
- Containers don't see secret changes that happen after their pod is started due to initContainers
- Possible flaky test in backup-restore test suite
- Allow arbitrary annotations for services
- Write the gitlab pod limits into the container
- Set AutoDevOps domain by default
- Consider OAuth2 Proxy support
- Can we reliably isolate Git HTTP traffic?