- Downloads
[WIP] Follow GitLab Upstream on GKE Marketplace
- Check out GitLab submodule from upstream repository instead of special
forked repository
- Create a wrapper chart for the Google GKE Marketplace named gitlab-mp
allowing special configuration unique to the marketplace to be passed
in without having to change the upstream chart
- Add env-doctor script allowing users to quickly verify that their
environment is ready to produce a GKE Marketplace update
- Fortify list-helm-images, update-schema-yml, mirror-helm scripts to
work when invoked from any path
- Remove a deprecated script 'build.sh'
- Move the Dockerfile definition to the top level directory and simplify
to use the GKE Marketplace deployer_helm_tiller build container
- Move schema.yaml to schema.yaml.template and have the build script
make a copy and run update-schema-yml against the copy instead of the
original to prevent unwanted modifications from being committed to the
- Add build-marketplace-release.sh script to build the deployer
container from the configured environment
- Added tooling to push builds to the GKE Marketplace and build and
tear down a test environment
- Modify update-schema-yaml.sh to also insert RBAC information
- Updated documentation; moved original README to doc/installing and
split documentation into user versus developer
Resolves: charts/gitlab#1041
Robert Marshall <rmarshall@gitlab.com>
Status | Pipeline | Created by | Stages | Actions |
Failed 00:00:53
| Stage: build |
Download artifacts
No artifacts found |