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EEP is for advanced CI/CD, Monitoring and PM

Mark Pundsack requested to merge advanced into master

This is more of a discussion topic than actual merge request, but the idea is that I'd really like to offer advanced CI/CD and monitoring features at the EEP level rather than the EES level. EES gives you additional security and advanced git-related things, but if you're using our full suite of features, you really should be buying more than EES. At one point I had proposed an advanced CI bundle "product", but since we don't do "products" anymore, putting everything into EEP makes sense.

As Prometheus monitoring is looking at advanced features, they should be EEP by default too.

This MR goes further to add "advanced project management" to EEP, but I expect that to be more contentious. As we add issue dependencies, advanced issue board features, etc. that compete with Trello's paid product, we should be capturing additional value for them.

But the existing wording on leads users to believe everything should be EES as seen in By being explicit that these advanced features belong in EEP, it'll help align expectations.

This MR changes:

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/cc @joshlambert @sytses @JobV @ChadMalchow

Merge request reports