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Added FAQ section to capture FAQs

Kristen Reynolds requested to merge kreykrey-master-patch-12040 into master

Why is this change being made?

In conversations during Zoom meetings and in a GitLab issue we have identified several deficiencies in how we are sharing information, and storing that knowledge for others to find. One particular concern is discussions in Slack, and their ephemeral nature since we only retain messages there for 90 days. A proposed solution is to create a FAQ section in the handbook that we can use to capture the results of conversations in Slack around answering questions posited to the group. We are exploring the possibility of implementing a Slack bot that will help us craft merge requests to contribute to the FAQ section.

This merge request creates the initial FAQ page, so we can get started contributing this information to the handbook.

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Edited by Chloe Whitestone

Merge request reports