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Merge "up-for-grabs" and "first-timers-only" labels into "Accepting Merge Requests"


  • remove up-for-grabs label and treat Accepting Merge Requests issues with weight smaller than 5 as "suitable for people that never contributed to GitLab"
  • remove first-timers-only label and treat Accepting Merge Requests issues with weight 1 as "suitable for people that never contributed to open source"


Please refer to #891 (comment 18912052)

Steps (order matters)

  1. describe Accepting Merge Requests in
  2. update
  3. communicate within the company
  4. change description of Accepting Merge Requests label in gitlab-ce
  5. go through all Accepting Merge Requests issues and check if they meet the criteria
  6. go through all up-for-grabs issues, check if they meet the criteria, assign weight and change label to Accepting Merge Requests
  7. go through all first-timers-only issues, check if they meet the criteria, assign weight and change label to Accepting Merge Requests
  8. describe how to find issues in
  9. update
  10. update
  11. update
  12. remove up-for-grabs label
  13. remove first-timers-only label

Merge request reports