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Update UX Handbook Mission/Vision Section

Jacki Bauer requested to merge ux-handbook-update into master

Why is this change being made?

This is an update to the UX Department handbook page, per this issue and this issue.

The purpose is to make our content more aspirational and more informative - both to GitLabbers and the wider community - which is increasingly interested in reading about the UX Department at GitLab.

Design Principles This section is heavily rewritten based on our previous vision statement and principles. I combined them and made them much shorter. Hopefully the spirit if them is preserved, with shorter text for a wider audience.

  • Was "Easy UX", now is "We Support All Users From Beginners to Experts"
  • Was "Holistic UX" now is "We're Building One Product, Together"
  • Was "Productive", now is "We Are Humble Facilitators of User Experience Design"
  • Was "Minimal", now is "We Look For Small Changes and Big Impacts"
  • Was "Human", now is "We Are Informed by Empathy"
Edited by Jacki Bauer

Merge request reports