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Update Values page with context, links, and iterations from Values and Culture...

Darren Murph requested to merge dmurph-master-patch-55424 into master

Why is this change being made?

Update Values page with context, links, and iterations from Values and Culture interview between Darren and Sid

  1. Added context, links, and questions in updating the title and description to our Unfiltered interview on values
  2. Clarified Negative feedback is 1-on-1, while negative conversation or disagreement should be respectfully discussed in public channels
  3. Added What to do if values aren’t being lived out sub-head on Values page
  4. Added Sub-values as substantiators under About our Values to clarify that sub-values define values
  5. Added 'We’re all tanuki' merge request closure as an example in Short toes
  6. Added context/quote in Hierarchy section within the Values handbook page
  7. Added Why our values are public sub-head on the Values handbook page
  8. Added clarifying Sid quote under relevant How do we reinforce our values sub-head
  9. Add contextual quotes from an Unfiltered interview on No Ego and Low Level of Shame sub-values

Related merge requests (MRs) in all-remote sections as FYI:

  1. Embedded Values and Culture interview to all-remote/getting-started
  2. Embedded Unfiltered video interview discussing No Ego and Low Level of Shame to all-remote/values

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?



Edited by Darren Murph

Merge request reports