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Add ~workflow::"planning breakdown" as a source of issues to be weighted

John Hope requested to merge update-plan-planning-rotation-info into master

Drawing from discussions yesterday on our Portfolio Management and Certify sync-up calls I wanted to propose this small change as a first step to helping us weight issues earlier and more regularly.

Weighting issues in the upcoming milestone helps us understand what we've committed to. Doing so in planning breakdown should give PMs and EMs a better idea of capacity when planning a future milestone, which is important as we're sharing a BE team between two groups. Additionally, it could start discussions around iteration and blockers earlier.

We closed 12.3 with 19 issues unweighted and it seems we always have about 20% unweighted in any given milestone. A sign of success would be if that number started to decrease.

I'm aware this may not align with existing workflows for everyone, however so please do discuss!

/cc @smcgivern @donaldcook @gweaver @kokeefe @mjwood

Merge request reports