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Updated the onboarding issue creation to the people ops team

@gl-peopleops @gitlab-com/gl-ces Thank you for your time today to talk through this next iteration. I've updated based on our call.

The people ops team will take over the issue creation and will execute that 4-5 business days prior to the start date.

The CES team commits to using the onboarding sheet as a source of truth and keeping all the steps up to date and accurate, one action will not happen without the next if they are all connected (aka, we won't mark as hired and export to bamboohr without a signed contract).

The handoff point is the welcome email is sent and we have completed cells through column K.

Should the start date need to be updated after welcome email is sent I updated the handbook here !26087 (diffs)

  • thanks all!
Edited by April Hoffbauer

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