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Update Mktg handbook (Ops page) with gearing ratios from marketing model

Zach Gaston requested to merge zgaston-master-patch-17284 into master

@twbarr @pmachle , please take a look and merge. cc @darawarde

See GTM KPI's Cleanroom

Removed existing stand-alone language for long-term profitability and included under the gearing ratios section.

Gearing ratios are:

Inquiry to MQL at the top of the marketing funnel, this is the conversion rate at which Inquiries become Marketo Qualified Leads (MQL's).

MQL to SAO this is the mid-funnel conversion rate at which Marketo Qualified Leads (MQL's) become SAO's.

SAO to Closed-Won at the bottom of the marketing funnel, this is the rate at which Sales Accepted Opportunities (SAO's) move through the full pipeline to closed won, resulting in a sale.

Pipe-to-Spend is the ratio of pipeline created that is attributed to demand generation program spend. The target ratio is 5:1 for pipeline to spend.

XDR MQL Disposition/Month is the individual capacity of XDR’s to convert MQL's into SAO's. Total MQL's converted to SAO's / Qty of XDR's

New IACV Average Deal Size is the average deal size of new customer transactions by segment and geography

Marketing E/R is marketing operating expense divided by revenue (ratable) as shown on the income statement . The long-term goal by 2025 published in handbook is 13%, that includes hosting of free users which is consistent with our external reporting. See gitlab financial model for yearly targets.

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