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Adding TMRG discussion Guidelines

Liam McNally requested to merge lmcnally1-master-patch-16756 into master

Why is this change being made?

Creating an MR to address this issueto create a set of guidelines regarding political discussions within TMRGS.

Some TMRGs will have to have what could be regarded as political discussions as the nature of enabling and empowering that group will require this. Which could be discussing legislation, policies or systemic issues with politics, legal or other institutions.

This provides some guidelines on where this could be appropriate and where we should not be discussing politics in TMRGs.

Before merging, we should discuss this MR with the TMRG Leads and Co-Leads and the DIB Advisory Group.

Author Checklist

  • Provided a concise title for the MR
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say-why-not-just-what
  • Assign this change to the correct DRI
    • If the DRI for the page/s being updated isn’t immediately clear, then assign it to your manager.
    • If your manager does not have merge rights, please ask someone to merge it AFTER it has been approved by your manager in #mr-buddies.
    • If the changes relate to any part of the project other than updates to content and/or data files please make sure to ping @gl-static-site-editor in a comment for a review and merge. For example changes to .gitlab-ci.yml, JavaScript/CSS/Ruby code or the layout files.
Edited by Liam McNally

Merge request reports