Release post - GitLab 12.0
Review changes -
Download -
Plain diff
Process improvements? Have suggestions for improving the release post process as we go? Please capture them in the retrospective issue!
Review Apps:
Release post:
- Intro:
- Items:
- Images:
Related files:
- Features YAML link:
- Features YAML Images link:
- Homepage card:
- MVPs:
Handbook references:
- Blog handbook:
- Release post handbook:
- Markdown guide:
- Release Post Managers:
- Release Managers:
Release post manager | Tech writer | Messaging | Social |
@jeremy | @eread | @johnjeremiah | @evhoffmann |
General contributions
Due date: 2019-06-14 (6th working day before the 22nd)
All contributions added by team members, collaborators, and Product Managers (PMs).
Author's checklist
Due date: 2019-06-14 (6th working day before the 22nd)
The PM leading the post is responsible for adding and checking the following items: @jeremy
Label MR: ~"blog post" release release post ~P1 -
Assign the MR to yourself -
Add a release post retrospective issue (example) and provide a link to it at the top of this MR description with the text Process Improvements? Have suggstions for improving the release post process as we go? Capture them in the [Retrospective issue]().
Check the reviewers on Slack and add their names (and your own) replacing each @mention
in the MR description checklists -
Add milestone -
Update the links and due dates in this MR description -
Make sure the blog post have all initial files, as well as this MR template contains the latest template -
Add authorship (author's data) -
Ask the messaging lead to add the introduction by the 6th working day before the 22nd -
Add MVP (MVP block) -
Add MVP to data/mvps.yml
Make sure the PM for the MVP feature adds a corresponding feature block if applicable, linking from the MVP section -
Add cover image ( 12_0-cover-image.jpg
) (compressed) -
Add social sharing image ( gitlab-12-0-released.png
) (compressed) -
Make sure all feature descriptions are positive and cheerful -
Make sure all features listed in the direction page are included in the post -
Mention the Distribution PM asking them if there's any relevant info to be added to the upgrade warning section. If not, delete the upgrade
block in the relese post data file -
Mention managers to remind them to add their team performance improvements: @gitlab-com/backend-managers and @gitlab-org/frontend/frontend-managers -
Check with the Messaging Lead on what the top features should be. -
Check if deprecations are included -
Alert people one working day before each due date (post a comment to #release-post Slack channel) -
Make sure all images (png, jpg, and gifs) are smaller than 300 KB each -
Run the release post through an automated spell and grammar check -
Pull master
into the release post branch and resolve any conflicts -
Perform the content review
Recurring blocks
Due date: 2019-06-14 (6th working day before the 22nd)
The following sections are always present, and managed by the PM or Eng lead owning the related area:
Mention the below individuals after feature freeze -
Add GitLab Runner improvements: @brendan -
Add Omnibus improvements: @ebrinkman -
Add Mattermost update to the Omnibus improvements section: @ebrinkman -
Add Performance improvements: @DouweM, @smcgivern, @ayufan
Feature blocks
Due date: 2019-06-14 (6th working day before the 22nd)
The Product Managers are responsible for adding their feature blocks to the release post by the due date for general contributions. PMs are also responsible for adding any notable Community Contributions.
PMs: please check your box only when all your features and deprecations were added with completion (documentation links, images, etc). Pls don't check if there are still things missing.
Note: be sure to reference your Direction items and Release features. All items which appear in our Upcoming Releases page should be included in the relevant release post.
Mention the below individuals after feature freeze -
Manage (@jeremy) -
Plan (@ebrinkman) -
Create:Source Code (@jramsay) -
Create:Knowledge (@phikai) -
Create:Editor (@phikai) -
Verify (@brendan) -
Package (@trizzi) -
Release (@cstasik) -
Secure (@NicoleSchwartz ) -
Configure (@danielgruesso) -
Monitor - APM (@kencjohnston) -
Monitor - Debug & Health (@sarahwaldner) -
Fulfillment (@tipyn) -
Distribution (@ebrinkman)
Tip: make your own checklist:
- Primary features
- Improvements (secondary features)
- Deprecations
- Documentation updated
- Documentation links added to the post
- Community contributions documented and added to the post
- Illustrations added to the post (compressed, max width = 1000 pixels)
- Update
(with accompanying screenshots)
Ideally, complete the review until the 4th working day before the 22nd, so that the 3rd and the 2nd working day before the release could be left for fixes and small improvements.
Content review
Due date: 2019-06-17 (5th working day before the 22nd)
Performed by the author of the post: @jeremy
Label MR: ~"blog post" release review-in-progress -
Check all comments in the thread (make sure no contribution was left behind) -
Check Features' names -
Check Features' availability (Core, Starter, Premium, Ultimate badges) -
Reorder primary and secondary features according to their relevance to the user (most impactful features come first) -
Check Documentation links (all feature blocks contain documentation_link
) -
Make sure documentation_link
links to feature webpages when available -
Features were added to data/features.yml
(with accompanying screenshots) -
Check all images size < 300KB (compress them all with TinyPNG or similar tool) -
Pull master
, resolve any conflicts -
Make sure all discussions in the thread are resolved -
Mention @markpundsack, @kencjohnston, @jlenny, and @ebrinkman to remind them to review -
Assign the MR to the next reviewer (structural check) -
Lock features.yml
with File Locking on the 21st
Structural check
Due date: 2019-06-19 (3rd working day before the 22nd)
The structural review is performed by a technical writer: @eread
Add the label review-structure -
Pull master
into the release post branch and resolve any conflicts -
Check frontmatter (entries, syntax) -
Check image_title
Check image shadow applied correctly in release post data. Look for image_noshadow: true
when an image already has shadow -
Ensure videos and iframes are wrapped in <figure class="video_container">
tags (for responsiveness) -
Ensure all text is consistently hard wrapped at a suitable column boundary -
Check headings are in sentence case -
Check feature and product names are in capital case -
Check if images are harmonic/consistent -
Check any .gitkeep
files and delete them if any -
Add or check cover img reference (at the end of the post). Data in cover_img
in release post Yaml file -
Ensure content is balanced between the columns (both columns are even) -
Ensure links have meaningful text for SEO (e.g., "click here" is bad link text) -
Check for badges consistency (applied to all headings) -
Double check that all features are documented -
Check that all links to content are relative URLs -
Check the anchor links in the intro. All links in the release post markdown file should point to something in the release post Yaml file -
Remove any remaining instructions (comments) from the release post files -
Run a dead link checker, e.g., Check my Links and ping reporters directly on Slack asking them to fix broken links -
Update the release post templates and release post handbook with anything that comes up during the process -
Pull master
into the release post branch and resolve any conflicts (again) -
Report any problems from structural check in the #release-post
channel by pinging the reporters directly for each problem. Do NOT ping@all
nor leave a general message that no one will pay attention to. If possible, ensure any issues are tracked by open discussions in the merge request -
Post a comment in the #company-announcements
channel linking to the review app + merge request reminding the team to take a look at the release post and to report problems in#release-post
. Template to use (replace links):Hey all! This month's release post is almost ready! Take a look at it and report any problems in #release-post. MR: Review app:
Remove the label review-structure. -
Assign the MR to the next reviewer (Marketing).
Further reviews
Due date: 2019-06-20 (2nd working day before the 22nd)
Marketing review (PMMs - messaging lead): @johnjeremiah -
Write the introduction (by the 6th working day before the 22nd) -
Check/copyedit feature blocks -
Check/copyedit features.yml
Check/copyedit homepage blurb -
Check/copyedit social sharing text -
Mention Mark P (@markpundsack) for final check -
Remove the label review-in-progress -
Assign the MR back to the author
On the 22nd
The author of the post is responsible for merging the MR and following up with possible adjustments/fixes: @jeremy.
At 12:00 UTC
Read the important notes below -
At ~12:30 UTC, ping the release managers on the #releases
Slack channel asking if everything is on schedule, and to coordinate timing with them:- If anything is wrong with the release, or if it's delayed, you must ping
the messaging lead on
so that they coordinate anything scheduled on their side (e.g., press releases, other posts, etc). - If everything is okay, the packages should be published at 13:30 UTC, and available publicly around 14:10 UTC.
- Ask the release managers to ping you when the packs are publicly available (and is up and running on the release version)
- If anything is wrong with the release, or if it's delayed, you must ping
the messaging lead on
Mention @sumenkovic to remind him to send the swag pack to the MVP -
Check if all the anchor links in the intro are working -
Check if there are no broken links in the review app (use a dead link checker, e.g., Check my Links) -
Pull master
and fix any conflicts -
Check if there isn't any alert on Slack's #release-post
channels -
Check if there isn't any alert on this MR thread -
Check if the tweet copy is ready and someone is ready to share on social media
At 13:50 UTC
Check if there aren't any conflicts. If there are any, pull master
again and fix them.
Once the release manager confirmed that the packages are publicly available:
Unlock features.yml
just before merging. -
Verify that the 11.0 to 12.0 YT video has been made public: "It's still unlisted on YT, so we need to be sure to make it public just before the post goes live." -
Merge the MR at 14:10-14:20 UTC. -
Wait for the pipeline. It should take ~40min to complete. -
Check the look on social media with Twitter Card Validator and Facebook Debugger. -
Check for broken links again once the post is live. -
Share on social media (or make sure someone else does) only when you're sure everything is okay. -
Share the links to the post and to the tweet on the #release-posts
on Slack.
[is helping with the tweet]( when we go live, @evhoffmann
is on the LinkedIn and FB posts at 9a Pacific. Thank you both very much for the help.
Important notes
- The post is to be live on the 22nd at 15:00 UTC. It should be merged and as soon as is up and running on the new release version (or the latest RC that has the same features as the release), and once all packages are publicly available. Not before. Ideally, merge it around 14:20 UTC as the pipeline takes about 40 min to run.
- The usual release time is 15:00 UTC but it varies according to the deployment. If something comes up and delays the release, the release post will be delayed with the release.
- Coordinate the timing with the release managers. Ask them to keep you in the loop. Ideally, the packages should be published around 13:30-13:40, so they will be publicly available around 14:10 and you'll be able to merge the post at 14:20ish.
- Once the post is live, wait a few minutes to see if no one spot an error (usually posted in #company-announcements), then share on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, or make sure someone (Emily vH, JJ, Marcia) does. Coordinate the social sharing with them beforehand.
- Keep an eye on Slack and in the blog post comments for a few hours to make sure no one found anything that should be fixed.
Merge request reports
- version 278c8d2c7eb
- version 27793f0e2e9
- version 2762cac0170
- version 2751b9407c5
- version 274ad6e763a
- version 27303550854
- version 2724c24b984
- version 2714b53df73
- version 270019ac0f5
- version 26974676674
- version 2686b8e433f
- version 267154ca256
- version 2660087bf3e
- version 26577ecff31
- version 26434344a3d
- version 26341a7ae1c
- version 2629abb6937
- version 26124d23a2a
- version 260c94e753c
- version 259f1083688
- version 25840ccd19f
- version 25790c92153
- version 25606758d79
- version 255835a2797
- version 254abc03dd8
- version 2536e29782b
- version 252ae103ee9
- version 251a46e5953
- version 250607df50f
- version 249ae0f3a7b
- version 248377cbc23
- version 24759af7516
- version 24643b5dfb2
- version 24524da07d4
- version 2446c49509a
- version 243af725f5f
- version 242b4496e52
- version 24135555fd3
- version 2404f2d95ac
- version 2397bd78a12
- version 238ea7b2184
- version 23763823d4d
- version 236253f0546
- version 235aee0666f
- version 234a14a2530
- version 2333f27ca57
- version 23258de71c5
- version 23167ac096d
- version 230f02d629c
- version 22971352f41
- version 228085c714b
- version 227ff7ef297
- version 226ca5f94c3
- version 22530f98c68
- version 224b64f499f
- version 2235243828a
- version 222a9af5c6a
- version 221044a392f
- version 22020570a9e
- version 219734795ae
- version 2183138ff52
- version 2175da4232a
- version 2168a03a67e
- version 215a0d42499
- version 2146b3ddec0
- version 213506adb6a
- version 212482d1232
- version 2115fb6442c
- version 21029d2ff81
- version 2098f0bf6df
- version 20886b78a54
- version 2072a5fac18
- version 206a39f79cf
- version 205c8d6c3cd
- version 2046a09cbb9
- version 203db2da149
- version 202aa9e06da
- version 201fe823050
- version 200082de455
- version 199d5fa11f7
- version 19828ceffd8
- version 19779e3b2ca
- version 196b9d5f542
- version 1958c64f6ae
- version 1944a0b8229
- version 19332d42593
- version 1923230e741
- version 1915cd1e9b5
- version 1904aa7c05a
- version 189981a5605
- version 1882de6a074
- version 187fcd0a5ef
- version 1865dd1a845
- version 1856a32b552
- version 184f5b1bec9
- version 1830cac58b5
- version 182824abe66
- version 181c2531f16
- version 180fcfa17ea
- version 1795954035d
- version 178aee74a4a
- version 17785c86988
- version 1769cbe37de
- version 175797585e6
- version 174037fcc90
- version 173cc209e5b
- version 172872aae5f
- version 171666b4dbf
- version 170b22c4725
- version 1691a20b78a
- version 168a629c173
- version 16772a3fa48
- version 166c396a7d6
- version 165b89ae99e
- version 164bde449f3
- version 1634df19dbf
- version 162ae1431c9
- version 161e08657da
- version 16053278c5b
- version 1596fccf760
- version 1586933b9a8
- version 157b931d005
- version 156ba005b3a
- version 1551aa41603
- version 154d432be2b
- version 153f604dae8
- version 1524a067ff6
- version 1517bed99ed
- version 150cbcfaae4
- version 149b19b0560
- version 148b1827f7b
- version 147e34ac9c6
- version 1463d8ebf98
- version 145ac97adfb
- version 144c17e949f
- version 1435d46baa1
- version 142e684eb8d
- version 141fc57c4cb
- version 1402d7242dc
- version 139506628b6
- version 138e4178ce3
- version 137871a0101
- version 13610864c9c
- version 135379cb348
- version 134e178373d
- version 133c71d5bd8
- version 1321833522e
- version 131beb65398
- version 1304c307c35
- version 12928f88726
- version 12878ee6a8c
- version 127b22c4522
- version 126ecd349a6
- version 1255abd2fb5
- version 12443fa8a55
- version 1232d2e7624
- version 1224bdd40f6
- version 1216065936e
- version 120399ede73
- version 1196ffd39b2
- version 1189991b1f7
- version 11784cf2716
- version 116b87b1e6d
- version 115a24b4136
- version 11414138ac5
- version 113b4617e0a
- version 11288631575
- version 111cc951c82
- version 110f5564773
- version 10936fd6d36
- version 10831ccdd88
- version 107d073662f
- version 1067568155c
- version 105dfdb0fb9
- version 104dedcb84f
- version 1034cba977f
- version 102b6994b41
- version 101949a9a14
- version 100fd5b8cb2
- version 991d445e58
- version 9819ca2fe8
- version 9762b501fa
- version 967b38fd9d
- version 95bbf581b6
- version 94ae36c7e8
- version 9365d74756
- version 9290f6bcab
- version 9143a4ee91
- version 90c9152d9e
- version 8993058303
- version 880a4e46da
- version 87a9e1a76d
- version 8638a8de60
- version 85200fa3c0
- version 849327812c
- version 833a87f9bd
- version 82db23f40b
- version 81b5bdb1f1
- version 8054322e48
- version 7932aac5dd
- version 78eb303c49
- version 77653308eb
- version 7631de90ea
- version 7538caeff9
- version 74d92abaa7
- version 73de846fb6
- version 727feb2681
- version 71102cdda9
- version 70d077506f
- version 699a6aa49b
- version 68c08c2868
- version 67b9f6d475
- version 663402ad0c
- version 65f0579b2a
- version 6405f0107f
- version 63d9b56fb7
- version 620a00bbca
- version 61061f5c1d
- version 6066c2644e
- version 59d5886e02
- version 58ccd2eb8e
- version 57ea486a7f
- version 56cbfdb030
- version 55c4ed15ce
- version 54dd218a67
- version 538dd772da
- version 52892a2ab3
- version 51e4e7a1b5
- version 5014f2538c
- version 497e32728d
- version 486b579791
- version 479a69f560
- version 46710b6aa3
- version 45b72438a8
- version 441a828b34
- version 43a65d056c
- version 420d082224
- version 415b767f64
- version 40e646b410
- version 3940fb9fab
- version 38bd72f958
- version 3787529efe
- version 36fc519550
- version 353c60215e
- version 3403723e57
- version 3353c0a138
- version 32290cf793
- version 31a646d1dc
- version 300c037330
- version 29caabb08c
- version 28b608b8a8
- version 27754b75e4
- version 269db21996
- version 25f580e48a
- version 24e91acad2
- version 23fe598e4f
- version 22e6558246
- version 216650d537
- version 200056ceb0
- version 19b69c0647
- version 187cb3a25a
- version 17ee459c42
- version 16e5b082cf
- version 1522f5dcc5
- version 14b0f91541
- version 13688b5d3b
- version 12554dd186
- version 11d5ce8371
- version 10b1f24d27
- version 938fdf960
- version 8420c1b6d
- version 716fdf673
- version 6b6655789
- version 5855eea86
- version 41013dfc6
- version 393ebc432
- version 2196fa04a
- version 118c5adcf
- master (base)
- latest versionabae1ba0335 commits,
- version 278c8d2c7eb334 commits,
- version 27793f0e2e9333 commits,
- version 2762cac0170332 commits,
- version 2751b9407c5322 commits,
- version 274ad6e763a321 commits,
- version 27303550854320 commits,
- version 2724c24b984319 commits,
- version 2714b53df73318 commits,
- version 270019ac0f5317 commits,
- version 26974676674316 commits,
- version 2686b8e433f315 commits,
- version 267154ca256314 commits,
- version 2660087bf3e313 commits,
- version 26577ecff31312 commits,
- version 26434344a3d311 commits,
- version 26341a7ae1c310 commits,
- version 2629abb6937308 commits,
- version 26124d23a2a307 commits,
- version 260c94e753c306 commits,
- version 259f1083688305 commits,
- version 25840ccd19f303 commits,
- version 25790c92153302 commits,
- version 25606758d79301 commits,
- version 255835a2797300 commits,
- version 254abc03dd8299 commits,
- version 2536e29782b298 commits,
- version 252ae103ee9297 commits,
- version 251a46e5953296 commits,
- version 250607df50f295 commits,
- version 249ae0f3a7b294 commits,
- version 248377cbc23293 commits,
- version 24759af7516292 commits,
- version 24643b5dfb2291 commits,
- version 24524da07d4289 commits,
- version 2446c49509a288 commits,
- version 243af725f5f287 commits,
- version 242b4496e52286 commits,
- version 24135555fd3285 commits,
- version 2404f2d95ac284 commits,
- version 2397bd78a12283 commits,
- version 238ea7b2184282 commits,
- version 23763823d4d281 commits,
- version 236253f0546280 commits,
- version 235aee0666f279 commits,
- version 234a14a2530278 commits,
- version 2333f27ca57275 commits,
- version 23258de71c5274 commits,
- version 23167ac096d273 commits,
- version 230f02d629c272 commits,
- version 22971352f41271 commits,
- version 228085c714b270 commits,
- version 227ff7ef297267 commits,
- version 226ca5f94c3266 commits,
- version 22530f98c68265 commits,
- version 224b64f499f263 commits,
- version 2235243828a261 commits,
- version 222a9af5c6a260 commits,
- version 221044a392f259 commits,
- version 22020570a9e257 commits,
- version 219734795ae256 commits,
- version 2183138ff52255 commits,
- version 2175da4232a254 commits,
- version 2168a03a67e253 commits,
- version 215a0d42499252 commits,
- version 2146b3ddec0251 commits,
- version 213506adb6a248 commits,
- version 212482d1232247 commits,
- version 2115fb6442c246 commits,
- version 21029d2ff81245 commits,
- version 2098f0bf6df244 commits,
- version 20886b78a54243 commits,
- version 2072a5fac18241 commits,
- version 206a39f79cf240 commits,
- version 205c8d6c3cd239 commits,
- version 2046a09cbb9238 commits,
- version 203db2da149237 commits,
- version 202aa9e06da236 commits,
- version 201fe823050235 commits,
- version 200082de455234 commits,
- version 199d5fa11f7233 commits,
- version 19828ceffd8232 commits,
- version 19779e3b2ca231 commits,
- version 196b9d5f542230 commits,
- version 1958c64f6ae229 commits,
- version 1944a0b8229228 commits,
- version 19332d42593227 commits,
- version 1923230e741226 commits,
- version 1915cd1e9b5224 commits,
- version 1904aa7c05a223 commits,
- version 189981a5605222 commits,
- version 1882de6a074221 commits,
- version 187fcd0a5ef220 commits,
- version 1865dd1a845219 commits,
- version 1856a32b552218 commits,
- version 184f5b1bec9217 commits,
- version 1830cac58b5216 commits,
- version 182824abe66215 commits,
- version 181c2531f16213 commits,
- version 180fcfa17ea212 commits,
- version 1795954035d211 commits,
- version 178aee74a4a210 commits,
- version 17785c86988209 commits,
- version 1769cbe37de208 commits,
- version 175797585e6207 commits,
- version 174037fcc90206 commits,
- version 173cc209e5b205 commits,
- version 172872aae5f204 commits,
- version 171666b4dbf201 commits,
- version 170b22c4725200 commits,
- version 1691a20b78a199 commits,
- version 168a629c173198 commits,
- version 16772a3fa48197 commits,
- version 166c396a7d6196 commits,
- version 165b89ae99e195 commits,
- version 164bde449f3194 commits,
- version 1634df19dbf193 commits,
- version 162ae1431c9191 commits,
- version 161e08657da190 commits,
- version 16053278c5b189 commits,
- version 1596fccf760188 commits,
- version 1586933b9a8187 commits,
- version 157b931d005186 commits,
- version 156ba005b3a185 commits,
- version 1551aa41603184 commits,
- version 154d432be2b183 commits,
- version 153f604dae8182 commits,
- version 1524a067ff6181 commits,
- version 1517bed99ed180 commits,
- version 150cbcfaae4179 commits,
- version 149b19b0560177 commits,
- version 148b1827f7b176 commits,
- version 147e34ac9c6174 commits,
- version 1463d8ebf98173 commits,
- version 145ac97adfb172 commits,
- version 144c17e949f171 commits,
- version 1435d46baa1170 commits,
- version 142e684eb8d169 commits,
- version 141fc57c4cb168 commits,
- version 1402d7242dc167 commits,
- version 139506628b6166 commits,
- version 138e4178ce3164 commits,
- version 137871a0101163 commits,
- version 13610864c9c162 commits,
- version 135379cb348159 commits,
- version 134e178373d158 commits,
- version 133c71d5bd8157 commits,
- version 1321833522e156 commits,
- version 131beb65398155 commits,
- version 1304c307c35154 commits,
- version 12928f88726153 commits,
- version 12878ee6a8c152 commits,
- version 127b22c4522151 commits,
- version 126ecd349a6150 commits,
- version 1255abd2fb5149 commits,
- version 12443fa8a55148 commits,
- version 1232d2e7624147 commits,
- version 1224bdd40f6146 commits,
- version 1216065936e141 commits,
- version 120399ede73139 commits,
- version 1196ffd39b2137 commits,
- version 1189991b1f7136 commits,
- version 11784cf2716134 commits,
- version 116b87b1e6d133 commits,
- version 115a24b4136131 commits,
- version 11414138ac5130 commits,
- version 113b4617e0a128 commits,
- version 11288631575127 commits,
- version 111cc951c82126 commits,
- version 110f5564773125 commits,
- version 10936fd6d36124 commits,
- version 10831ccdd88123 commits,
- version 107d073662f122 commits,
- version 1067568155c120 commits,
- version 105dfdb0fb9119 commits,
- version 104dedcb84f118 commits,
- version 1034cba977f117 commits,
- version 102b6994b41115 commits,
- version 101949a9a14113 commits,
- version 100fd5b8cb2112 commits,
- version 991d445e58110 commits,
- version 9819ca2fe8108 commits,
- version 9762b501fa107 commits,
- version 967b38fd9d105 commits,
- version 95bbf581b6104 commits,
- version 94ae36c7e8103 commits,
- version 9365d74756102 commits,
- version 9290f6bcab101 commits,
- version 9143a4ee91100 commits,
- version 90c9152d9e99 commits,
- version 899305830398 commits,
- version 880a4e46da97 commits,
- version 87a9e1a76d96 commits,
- version 8638a8de6095 commits,
- version 85200fa3c094 commits,
- version 849327812c93 commits,
- version 833a87f9bd92 commits,
- version 82db23f40b91 commits,
- version 81b5bdb1f190 commits,
- version 8054322e4889 commits,
- version 7932aac5dd88 commits,
- version 78eb303c4987 commits,
- version 77653308eb86 commits,
- version 7631de90ea85 commits,
- version 7538caeff978 commits,
- version 74d92abaa777 commits,
- version 73de846fb676 commits,
- version 727feb268175 commits,
- version 71102cdda974 commits,
- version 70d077506f73 commits,
- version 699a6aa49b72 commits,
- version 68c08c286871 commits,
- version 67b9f6d47570 commits,
- version 663402ad0c69 commits,
- version 65f0579b2a68 commits,
- version 6405f0107f67 commits,
- version 63d9b56fb766 commits,
- version 620a00bbca65 commits,
- version 61061f5c1d64 commits,
- version 6066c2644e63 commits,
- version 59d5886e0262 commits,
- version 58ccd2eb8e61 commits,
- version 57ea486a7f60 commits,
- version 56cbfdb03059 commits,
- version 55c4ed15ce58 commits,
- version 54dd218a6757 commits,
- version 538dd772da56 commits,
- version 52892a2ab355 commits,
- version 51e4e7a1b554 commits,
- version 5014f2538c53 commits,
- version 497e32728d52 commits,
- version 486b57979151 commits,
- version 479a69f56050 commits,
- version 46710b6aa349 commits,
- version 45b72438a848 commits,
- version 441a828b3447 commits,
- version 43a65d056c46 commits,
- version 420d08222445 commits,
- version 415b767f6444 commits,
- version 40e646b41043 commits,
- version 3940fb9fab42 commits,
- version 38bd72f95841 commits,
- version 3787529efe40 commits,
- version 36fc51955039 commits,
- version 353c60215e38 commits,
- version 3403723e5737 commits,
- version 3353c0a13836 commits,
- version 32290cf79335 commits,
- version 31a646d1dc34 commits,
- version 300c03733033 commits,
- version 29caabb08c32 commits,
- version 28b608b8a831 commits,
- version 27754b75e430 commits,
- version 269db2199629 commits,
- version 25f580e48a28 commits,
- version 24e91acad227 commits,
- version 23fe598e4f26 commits,
- version 22e655824625 commits,
- version 216650d53724 commits,
- version 200056ceb023 commits,
- version 19b69c064722 commits,
- version 187cb3a25a21 commits,
- version 17ee459c4220 commits,
- version 16e5b082cf19 commits,
- version 1522f5dcc518 commits,
- version 14b0f9154116 commits,
- version 13688b5d3b13 commits,
- version 12554dd18612 commits,
- version 11d5ce837111 commits,
- version 10b1f24d2710 commits,
- version 938fdf9609 commits,
- version 8420c1b6d8 commits,
- version 716fdf6737 commits,
- version 6b66557896 commits,
- version 5855eea865 commits,
- version 41013dfc64 commits,
- version 393ebc4323 commits,
- version 2196fa04a2 commits,
- version 118c5adcf1 commit,
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- Inline
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