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Release post - GitLab 11.4

Merged James Ramsay (ex-GitLab) requested to merge release-11-4 into master
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- name: "Merge request reviews"
- name: "Merge Request Reviews"
available_in: [premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/batch-comments.png'
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ features:
comments unnecessary. The end result is that the merge request author
gets a slew of notifications and has to sort them out one by one.
With this release, we are introducing merge request reviews. This will
With this release, we are introducing Merge Request Reviews. This will
allow a reviewer to draft as many code comments in a merge requests as they
wish, make sure they are all consistent, and then submit them all
as a single action. Since the drafts are saved to GitLab, a reviewer can
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ features:
issue_url: ''
description: |
A popularly requested feature, we're proud to now offer the
ability within the `.gitlab-ci.yml` to use only/except rules for jobs
ability within the `.gitlab-ci.yml` to use `only`/`except` rules for jobs
based on when modifications occur to a specific file or path (glob).
This will allow more control for users whose repos contain different
This will allow more control for users whose repositories contain different
kinds of assets or builds, ensuring only the appropriate steps are
executed for the kinds of changes that were committed, speeding up
overall pipeline execution.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ features:
team: configure
issue_url: ''
description: |
Leveraging Auto DevOps to automatically detect, build, test, deploy, and monitor your application
Using Auto DevOps to automatically detect, build, test, deploy, and monitor your application
just got more powerful. Starting in 11.4, Auto DevOps now provides the ability to initialize or
migrate PostgreSQL databases in your project.
@@ -270,6 +270,22 @@ features:
of work, versus those that are toward the final stages of review before
- name: "Highlight <code>@mentions</code> for yourself distinctly"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/highlight-yourself-distinct.png'
reporter: victorwu
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
When collaborating in a long discussion in an issue or merge request, often
many users are involved, making it difficult to quickly at a glance, see
comments that are directed at you.
With this release, `@mentions` for yourself (i.e. the current user), are highlighted
in a different color, allowing you to easily see which comments involve you,
helping you focus on them quickly.
- name: "Click to insert Markdown table and link"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
@@ -278,7 +294,7 @@ features:
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
GitLab supports GitLab-flavored Markdown (GFM) in most places throughout
GitLab supports GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) in most places throughout
GitLab where you enter text, providing the power of rich formatting with
a simple syntax. In particular, you can create tables in GFM. Previously,
this was painful to use, especially for large tables, since you had to type
@@ -299,22 +315,6 @@ features:
Thank you [Jan Beckmann]( for the URL link contribution!
- name: "Highlight <code>@mentions</code> for yourself distinctly"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/highlight-yourself-distinct.png'
reporter: victorwu
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
When collaborating in a long discussion in an issue or merge request, often
many users are involved, making it difficult to quickly at a glance, see
comments that are directed at you.
With this release, `@mentions` for yourself (i.e. the current user), are highlighted
in a different color, allowing you to easily see which comments involve you,
helping you focus on them quickly.
- name: "Include new issues created in Burndown Chart"
available_in: [starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
@@ -323,15 +323,15 @@ features:
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
Burndown charts help teams track work, as it progresses throughout a milestone.
Burndown Charts help teams track work, as it progresses throughout a milestone.
Usually, the scope of work is decided and agreed on before the milestone
begins. But occasionally, there will be important exceptions to the rule,
(such as an emergency bug or security fix) and new scope needs to be included,
in the form of new issues.
With this release, the burndown chart now accounts for these
With this release, burndown charts now accounts for these
new issues that are created in the middle of a milestone, resulting in an
uptick of the line in a burndown chart.
uptick of its line.
- name: "Expanded weight values in issues API"
available_in: [starter, premium, ultimate]
@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ features:
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/explore-projects-by-stars.png'
image_noshadow: true
reporter: akaemmerle
team: manage
issue_url: ''
@@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ features:
With GitLab 11.4, we introduce an additional absolute measure by showing
a new percentage value for each relevant code language shown. This provides
a more quantative touch point of your project's technology stack.
a more quantitative view of your project's technology stack.
Thank you for this contribution, [Johann Hubert Sonntagbauer](!
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ features:
team: manage
issue_url: ''
description: |
Two-factor authentification is a de facto standard for signing up for any relevant web-based
Two-factor authentication is a de facto standard for signing up for any relevant web-based
application. At GitLab we understand and take this seriously. Whenever you set up a two-factor
authentication initially, we provide limited recovery codes that allow you to regain access
to your account as a fallback.
@@ -476,6 +477,20 @@ features:
improve this behavior by resolving [#3605]( in
our next release.
- name: "Skip Auto DevOps jobs based on feature availability"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
reporter: danielgruesso
team: configure
issue_url: ''
description: |
Starting in 11.4 Auto DevOps will now evaluate the plan ( or tier (self-managed)
for the instance in which it's running in order to determine which jobs to skip. This will
result in faster Auto DevOps pipeline when certain features are not in use.
This will not only save you time but will also result in a cleaner view of Auto DevOps pipeline,
showing you only the relevant jobs for your project.
- name: "Allow pipelines to schedule delayed job runs"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
@@ -491,20 +506,6 @@ features:
example, when implementing timed incremental rollouts, or any
other delays needed after performing some other action.
- name: "Skip Auto DevOps jobs based on feature availability"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
reporter: danielgruesso
team: configure
issue_url: ''
description: |
Starting in 11.4 Auto DevOps will now evaluate the plan ( or tier (self-managed)
for the instance in which it's running in order to determine which jobs to skip. This will
result in faster Auto DevOps pipeline when certain features are not in use.
This will not only save you time but will also result in a cleaner view of Auto DevOps pipeline,
showing you only the relevant jobs for your project.
- name: "Interactive runbooks with Nurtch and JupyterHub"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
@@ -574,6 +575,27 @@ features:
globally run `git config --global protocol.version=2`. Git protocol v2
over SSH is not yet enabled on and must be enabled manually.
- name: "Geo UX improvements in Admin Area"
available_in: [premium, ultimate]
gitlab_com: false
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/geo_admin_area_improvements.png'
reporter: akaemmerle
team: geo
issue_url: ''
description: |
As a Geo admin, keeping an overview of your secondary nodes setup and the synchronization
state is crucial when working with distributed teams.
With GitLab 11.4, we improve the Geo-related Admin Area settings by improving and showing even
more synchronization and verification details in the user interface. On your primary node, a
new button "Open projects" adds a new quick link to navigate to the "Projects" list of the
corresponding secondary node.
On secondary nodes, a new "All" tab gives you a quick overview about the verification state
of all projects.
[Further UX improvements]( are in our pipeline!
- name: "Prometheus 2.0 upgrade for Omnibus GitLab"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
gitlab_com: false
@@ -588,35 +610,31 @@ features:
These include improved performance and a more efficient time-series database format. Unfortunately
because of the architectural changes to the database, it is not backwards compatible with the old 1.x format.
With GitLab 11.4, Prometheus 2.4.2 is now available in the Omnibus package so users can take advantage its benefits.
With GitLab 11.4, Prometheus 2.4.2 is now available in the Omnibus package so users can take advantage of its benefits.
- New installations of 11.4 and above will start with Prometheus 2.
- Existing installations will not be automatically upgraded. We have added a new command, `gitlab-ctl prometheus-upgrade`, which can
be utilized to [upgrade Prometheus and optionally migrate data]( Prometheus will be stopped during data migration.
- Users will need to move to Prometheus 2.0, before being able to [upgrade to GitLab 12.0](#deprecations).
- GitLab 12.0 will [automatically upgrade to Prometheus 2.0](#deprecations). With the automatic upgrade, Prometheus 1.0 data will not be migrated.
For more information on upgrading Prometheus to 2.4.2, please review our [update documentation](
- name: "Geo UX improvements in Admin Area"
- name: "Geo improvements"
available_in: [premium, ultimate]
gitlab_com: false
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/geo_admin_area_improvements.png'
reporter: akaemmerle
team: geo
issue_url: ''
issueboard_url: '✓&state=opened&label_name[]=Geo&milestone_title=11.4'
description: |
As a Geo admin, keeping an overview of your secondary nodes setup and the synchronization
state is crucial when working with distributed teams.
We continually focus on improving our [Geo](/features/gitlab-geo/) feature for distributed teams. Some of the additional noteworthy improvements in GitLab 11.4 include:
With GitLab 11.4, we improve the Geo-related Admin Area settings by improving and showing even
more synchronization and verification details in the user interface. On your primary node, a
new button "Open projects" adds a new quick link to navigate to the "Projects" list of the
corresponding secondary node.
On secondary nodes, a new "All" tab gives you a quick overview about the verification state
of all projects.
- [Major performance improvements](✓&state=closed&label_name%5B%5D=Geo%20Performance&milestone_title=11.4)
- [Include keep-around references in checksum calculation](
- [Migrating uploads to object storage does no longer leave behind local files](
- [Primary node repository verification now always gives the correct checksum](
- [Reliable Sidekiq queueing ensures data integrity](
[Further UX improvements]( are in our pipeline!
Read our fresh blog post on [how we built GitLab Geo](/2018/09/14/how-we-built-gitlab-geo/).
- name: "Geo improvements for SSH Git commands proxy to primary node"
available_in: [premium, ultimate]
@@ -633,23 +651,6 @@ features:
With this release, we further improve the performance and usability of this feature, allowing
to clone and push to projects in a Geo scenario without having to maintain multiple configurations or update the remote URL manually.
- name: "Geo improvements"
available_in: [premium, ultimate]
gitlab_com: false
documentation_link: ''
reporter: akaemmerle
issueboard_url: '✓&state=opened&label_name[]=Geo&milestone_title=11.4'
description: |
We continually focus on improving our [Geo](/features/gitlab-geo/) feature for distributed teams. Some of the additional noteworthy improvements in GitLab 11.4 include:
- [Major performance improvements](✓&state=closed&label_name%5B%5D=Geo%20Performance&milestone_title=11.4)
- [Include keep-around references in checksum calculation](
- [Migrating uploads to object storage does no longer leave behind local files](
- [Primary node repository verification now always gives the correct checksum](
- [Reliable Sidekiq queing ensures data integrity](
Read our fresh blog post on [how we built GitLab Geo](/2018/09/14/how-we-built-gitlab-geo/).
- name: "GitLab Runner 11.4"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
@@ -680,7 +681,7 @@ features:
reporter: joshlambert
team: distribution
description: |
- `redis` has been updated to 3.2.12, which is a critical security update that fixes multiple vulnerabilities. After upgrating to 11.4, run `gitlab-ctl restart redis` to ensure the new version is running.
- `redis` has been updated to 3.2.12, which is a critical security update that fixes multiple vulnerabilities. After upgrading to 11.4, run `gitlab-ctl restart redis` to ensure the new version is running.
- GitLab 11.4 includes [Mattermost 5.3](,
an [open source Slack-alternative]( whose newest release includes enhanced search on desktop and mobile, plus much more.
It includes [security updates]( and upgrading is recommended.
@@ -710,7 +711,7 @@ mvp:
fullname: "Luke Picciau"
gitlab: Qwertie
description: |
Luke added the ability to download 2FA codes as a file.
Luke added the ability to [download 2FA codes as a file](#download-two-factor-authentication-codes-as-file).
Thank you, Luke for your contribution!
@@ -764,4 +765,5 @@ deprecations:
description: |
With GitLab 11.4 (October 22, 2018) the bundled Prometheus 1.0 version is deprecated in Omnibus GitLab. Prometheus 2.0 is [now included](#prometheus-20-upgrade-for-omnibus-gitlab),
however the metrics format is incompatible with 1.0. Existing installations can upgrade to 2.0 and optionally migrate their data [using an included tool](
Migration to 2.0 will be required in order to upgrade to GitLab 12.0.
With GitLab 12.0 any installation not yet running Prometheus 2.0 will be automatically upgraded. Metric data from Prometheus 1.0 will not be migrated, and will be lost.