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Release post - GitLab 11.4

Merged James Ramsay (ex-GitLab) requested to merge release-11-4 into master
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@@ -139,10 +139,21 @@ features:
all references in the repository. For example, fetching updates for a
single branch (e.g. `git fetch origin master`) would also retrieve a
complete list of all references. In the case of large projects this
could be over 100,000 refs and 10s of megabytes of data.
could be over 100,000 refs and 10s of megabytes of data. Try it
yourself by running:
# Original Git wire protocol
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -c protocol.version=0 ls-remote master
# New Git wire protocol v2
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -c protocol.version=2 ls-remote master
Git protocol v2 is supported from Git v2.18.0 and is opt-in. To enable
globally run `git config --global protocol.version=2`.
globally run `git config --global protocol.version=2`. Git protocol v2
over SSH is not yet enabled on and must be enabled manually
for self-hosted instances.
- name: "Move ability to use includes in .gitlab-ci.yml from starter to core"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate] # required
@@ -206,21 +217,160 @@ features:
the rollout will automatically continue on a timed cadence
unless there is some error.
- name: "Lorem ipsum"
- name: "Make GitLab Pages support access control"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate] # required
gitlab_com: false # required if the feature is NOT available in Else, delete this line.
documentation_link: '' # required
documentation_link: '' # required
image_url: '/images/11_4/pages-access-control.png' # required
reporter: jlenny # required
team: release # required
issue_url: '' # required
description: | # supports markdown
You've had the ability within AutoDevOps to setup incremental
rollouts for a while now, and with this release we are adding
an option to also set up _timed_ incremental rollouts where
the rollout will automatically continue on a timed cadence
unless there is some error.
- name: "Support Kubernetes RBAC for GitLab managed apps"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate] # required
documentation_link: '' # required
image_url: '/images/11_4/k8s-rbac.png' # required
reporter: danielgruesso
team: configure
issue_url: '' # required
description: | # supports markdown
Security is paramount when setting up your infrastructure for the first time or connecting to
existing one. Role-based access control (RBAC) was made generally available as part of Kubernetes'
1.8 release, providing more granular controls to regulate access to kubernetes resources.
Our Kubernetes integration will now offer the capability to either create an RBAC-enabled
cluster on GKE or to connect with an existing cluster that is RBAC-enabled, providing increased
security for your infrastructure.
- name: "Auto DevOps support for RBAC"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate] # required
documentation_link: '' # required
reporter: danielgruesso
team: configure
issue_url: '' # required
description: | # supports markdown
Auto DevOps now supports interacting with and deploying applications to RBAC-enabled kubernetes clusters.
Role-based access control (RBAC) is an important tool that allows operators to ensure the reliability,
security, and efficiency of their kubernetes cluster. Using Auto DevOps in conjunction with an RBAC-enabled
cluster ensures your applications take advantage of the increased infrastructure security.
- name: "Support PostgreSQL DB migration and initialization for Auto DevOps"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate] # required
documentation_link: '' # required
image_url: '/images/X_Y/feature-a.png' # required
video: '' # example - optional - overrides image_url
reporter: pm1 # required
team: teamname # required
issue_url: '' # required
reporter: danielgruesso
team: configure
issue_url: '' # required
description: | # supports markdown
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
Leveraging Auto DevOps to automatically detect, build, test, deploy, and monitor your application
just got more powerful. Starting in 11.4, Auto DevOps now provides the ability to initialize or
migrate PostgreSQL databases in your project.
Simply define a project variable to initialize or migrate your PostgreSQL database and Auto DevOps
will do the rest.
- name: "Batch comments for code review"
available_in: [premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/batch-comments.png'
reporter: victorwu
team: plan
description: |
Code review in merge requests is a powerful feature in GitLab. Team members
have conversations linked to specific lines of code in a diff, and can even
resolve them. However, the process can get unwieldy in merge requests with
large diffs. Often, a reviewer may need to leave upwards of 10 or more comments
in a single sitting. And the 9th or 10th comment may actually render earlier
comments unnecessary. The end result is that the the merge request author
gets a slew of notifications and has to sort them out one by one.
With this release, we are introducing batch comments for code review in
GitLab merge requests. This will allow a reviewer to draft as many comments
as they wish, make sure they are all consistent, and then submit them all
as a single action. Since the drafts are saved to GitLab, a reviewer can
even spread their work across many sittings, say starting a review on their
desktop at work during the day, and then wrapping it up at home on their
tablet device later in the evening. Once the draft comments are submitted,
they appear as normal individual comments. This allows individual team members
the flexibility to do code review however they want, but still being compatible
with the entire team.
- name: "List of subscribed labels"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/subscribed-labels.png'
reporter: victorwu
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
Labels in GitLab are very powerful, since they can be applied to issues,
merge requests, and epics. As you use more labels, it can be difficult to
maintain them.
In a recent previous release, we added the ability to search by labels on
the project labels list page. With this release, you can now search by labels,
sort by name/created at/updated at, and even see a list of labels you have
subscribed to. This is available both in group and project labels list pages.
- name: "Filter by WIP merge requests"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/wip-filter.png'
reporter: victorwu
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
Merge requests are a core part of GitLab, allowing team members to collaborate
on code transparently. In particular, we encourage teams to share their
work early, and use the WIP (work in progress) feature to indicate that
a merge request is still undergoing active work and should not be merged
With this release, we're making it easier for users to differentiate
between WIP and non-WIP merge requests by having a dedicated filter in
both group-level and project-level merge requests lists. This allows users
to quickly focus in on merge requests that are still in their early stages
of work, versus those that are toward the final stages of review before
- name: "Click to insert Markdown table and link"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
image_url: '/images/11_4/link-table-markdown.png'
reporter: victorwu
team: plan
issue_url: ''
description: |
GitLab supports GitLab-flavored Markdown (GFM) in most places throughout
GitLab where you enter text, providing the power of rich formatting with
a simple syntax. In particular, you can create tables in GFM. Previously,
this was painful to use, especially for large tables, since you had to type
a lot of characters or paste in a previous table just to format it the way
you want. Similarly, GFM also supports URL links. But sometimes you may
forget the particular syntax.
With this release, you can now click on the table button in the GFM editor,
and this will automatically insert a table for you. You can then easily
enter table values or extend the table, formatting it just the way you want.
You can use this in description and comment boxes all throughout GitLab.
You can now also click on the link button, and this will generate the URL
link syntax skeleton for you. Allowing you to quickly paste in a link and
write the name of it.
Thank you [George Tsiolis]( for the table contribution!
Thank you [Jan Beckmann]( for the URL link contribution!
- name: "Highlight @mentions for yourself distinctly"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]
documentation_link: ''
@@ -439,6 +589,20 @@ features:
example, when implementing timed incremental rollouts, or any
other delays needed after performing some other action.
- name: "Skip auto devops jobs based on license"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate] # required
documentation_link: '' # webpage or documentation - required
reporter: danielgruesso
team: configure
issue_url: ''
description: | # supports markdown
Starting in 11.4 Auto DevOps will now evaluate the license for the instance in which it's running
in order to determine which jobs to skip. This will result in faster Auto DevOps pipeline when
certain features are not in use.
This will not only save you time but will also result in cleaner view of Auto DevOps pipeline,
showing you only the relevant jobs for your project.
- name: "Lorem ipsum"
available_in: [premium, ultimate] # required
gitlab_com: false # required if the feature is NOT available in Else, delete this line.
@@ -478,8 +642,9 @@ features:
reporter: pm1 # required
team: teamname # required
description: | # supports markdown
Lorem ipsum [dolor sit amet](#link), consectetur adipisicing elit.
Perferendis nisi vitae quod ipsum saepe cumque quia `veritatis`.
- GitLab 11.4 includes [Mattermost 5.3](,
an [open source Slack-alternative]( whose newest release includes enhanced search on desktop and mobile, plus much more.
It includes [security updates]( and upgrading is recommended.
- name: "Performance improvements"
available_in: [core, starter, premium, ultimate]