Migrating by direct transfer is generally available
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Migrating GitLab projects by direct transfer is now generally available, bringing an easy to use and automated way of migrating GitLab groups and projects between GitLab instances with network connectivity. To migrate GitLab resources by direct transfer, you can use either UI or the [API](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/bulk_imports.html). UI is intuitive and straightforward, while API gives you more flexibility in terms of choosing resources to be copied.
Migrating by direct transfer is a major improvement from [migrating groups and projects using file exports](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/settings/import_export.html#migrate-projects-by-uploading-an-export-file), because it's automated and efficient, works more reliably with large project, supports migrations with a larger version gap between source and destination instances and offers better insights into the migration process and results. You can read more about it in the following blog post.
On GitLab.com, migrating by direct transfer is enabled by default. On self-managed GitLab and on Dedicated, an administrator must [enable the feature in application settings](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/settings/import_and_export_settings.html#enable-migration-of-groups-and-projects-by-direct-transfer).