Update marketing metrics page MQL fields
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- Christine Lee authored
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@@ -62,21 +62,22 @@ There is a set of fields that show information regarding the First Order (FO) st
@@ -62,21 +62,22 @@ There is a set of fields that show information regarding the First Order (FO) st
1. `FO MQL` - this shows whether or not, at the time of the `MQL DateTime` (the most recent time the record MQL'd), the record was a FO record
Finding when a lead/contact became an MQL requires accounting for leads/contacts who skipped the MQL stage.
To do this we take the lesser of `mql_date`(`Marketo MQL DateTime` in SFDC) and `mql_inferred_date` (`SFDC MQL DateTime` in SFDC). Note: Both of these fields are hidden from views and only the SoT fields below are visible, for simplicity and consistency.
There are two new fields in SFDC, `MQL DateTime` that is the lesser of the above two fields and `Initial MQL DateTime` which is the SoT for the first time a record MQL'd - these are the only two fields that should be used in reporting on when a record MQLs.
The logic for finding when a person became an MQL is captured in the `mql_reporting_date` field. The `mql_reporting_date` field should always be used to report inquiries unless you are looking for something specific.
| [Beta] MQL DateTime | True_MQL_Date__c | The true/reportable MQL Date for the most recent MQL of a record. Lesser of Marketo MQL DateTime and SFDC MQL DateTime | Current MQL Count/ When a record most recently MQL'd |
| Initial MQL DateTime | True_Initial_MQL_Date__c | The true/reportable MQL Date for the first/initial MQL of a record. Lesser of Initial Marketo MQL DateTime and Initial SFDC MQL DateTime | When a record First MQL'd |
| Initial Marketo MQL DateTime | Initial_MQL_Date__c | Set by Marketo when a record reaches the MQL Threshold. Stamped the first time this happens | input metric - not needed for reporting |
| Initial SFDC MQL DateTime | Initial_MQL_DateTime__c | Set by SFDC when a record skips the MQL Stage, Inquiry > Accepted for example. Stamped the first time this happens. | input metric - not needed for reporting |
| Marketo MQL DateTime | MQL_Date__c | Set by Marketo when a record reaches the MQL Threshold. Updates each time this happens. | input metric - not needed for reporting |
| SFDC MQL DateTime | MQL_DateTime_Inferred__c | Set by SFDC when a record skips the MQL Stage, Inquiry > Accepted for example. Updates each time this happens. | input metric - not needed for reporting |