Project 'gitlab-com/infrastructure' was moved to 'gitlab-com/gl-infra/production-engineering'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
lint 0 2
Passed Started

Nathan Dubord
1Running with gitlab-runner 17.7.0~pre.103.g896916a8 (896916a8)2 on EuhiQzPR, system ID: s_360bc95445273 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true, FF_ENABLE_BASH_EXIT_CODE_CHECK:true4Resolving secrets6Using Docker executor with image ...7Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)8Pulling docker image ...9Using docker image sha256:c0ac06696bc5319d4e6809debf004740b5a6c4f3da3de7101b49b24e15bebea3 for with digest ...11Running on runner-euhiqzpr-project-7764-concurrent-0 via runner-euhiqzpr-shared-gitlab-org-1739379450-8d8c85c3...13Fetching changes with git depth set to 10...14Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/.git/15Created fresh repository.16remote: Enumerating objects: 24164, done. 17remote: Counting objects: 100% (24164/24164), done. 18remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22144/22144), done. 19remote: Total 24164 (delta 2639), reused 19136 (delta 1523), pack-reused 0 (from 0) 20Receiving objects: 100% (24164/24164), 1.45 GiB | 46.78 MiB/s, done.21Resolving deltas: 100% (2639/2639), done.23 * [new ref] refs/pipelines/1668201095 -> refs/pipelines/166820109524 * [new branch] master -> origin/master25Checking out cc0d67f0 as detached HEAD (ref is master)...26Skipping Git submodules setup27$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"29Checking cache for web_ruby-3.2.6-bookworm-10...30Downloading cache from ETag="5b111db16d55731354431713a5cb66ea"31Successfully extracted cache33Using docker image sha256:c0ac06696bc5319d4e6809debf004740b5a6c4f3da3de7101b49b24e15bebea3 for with digest ...34$ ruby --version35ruby 3.2.6 (2024-10-30 revision 63aeb018eb) [x86_64-linux]36$ bundle version37Bundler version 2.4.19 (2025-02-12 commit unknown)38$ bundle config set path vendor39$ bundle install --quiet --jobs 440$ yarn install41yarn install v1.22.1942[1/4] Resolving packages...43success Already up-to-date.44Done in 0.76s.45$ bundle exec rake lint46=> Lint SCSS files47=> Lint all YAML files under data/ with yamllint48/usr/bin/yamllint49lib/tasks/lint.rake:137: warning: already initialized constant YAML_FRONT_MATTER_REGEXP50lib/tasks/lint.rake:76: warning: previous definition of YAML_FRONT_MATTER_REGEXP was here51=> Checking if any posts have incorrect categories...52All posts have correct categories!53=> Checking if any new unfiltered posts have been added since 2021-05-20...54No unfiltered posts were added past 2021-05-20!55=> Checking if version/name/date in data/mvps.yml are strings...56=> Checking monorepo directory structure...57=> Checking for invalid circular dependencies in monorepo structure...58=> Checking for invalid peer dependencies in monorepo structure...59=> Monorepo structure is good!60✔ data/redirects.yml valid61=> Checking if all pictures referenced in data/team_members exist62All pictures referenced in data/team_members exist!63=> Checking if all pictures referenced in data/inactive_core_team exist64All pictures referenced in data/inactive_core_team exist!65=> Checking if all entries in data/team_members have a valid type66All entries in data/team_members have a valid type!67=> Checking if all people in data/team_members have unique values for slug, gitlab, twitter68All persons in data/team_members are unique!69=> Checking if reports_to values in data/team_members exist where expected70All reports_to values in data/team_members exist where expected!71=> Checking if all entries in data/team_members have a GitLab username72All entries in data/team_members/people have a GitLab username!73=> Checking if all entries in data/team_members/person with a LinkedIn field are in the correct format74All entries in data/team_members/person with a LinkedIn field are in the correct format!75=> Checking if all entries in data/team_members/person with a Mastodon field are in a correct format76All entries in data/team_members/person with a Mastodon field are in a valid format!77Running stages.yml Link Checker...78SUCCESS: stages.yml links are valid, no bad stages/groups found.79Running categories.yml Link Checker...80SUCCESS: categories.yml links are valid, no bad categories found.81=> Checking if all entries in .CODEOWNERS are correct82✔ .CODEOWNERS valid83Checking for CE documentation URLs...84✔ Linting passed85=> Checking if all entries in data/speakers.yml have a GitLab username86All entries in data/speakers.yml have a GitLab username!87=> Checking if all people in data/speakers.yml have a unique name value88=> Checking if all people in data/speakers.yml have a unique gitlab value89=> Checking if all people in data/speakers.yml have a unique twitter value90All persons in data/speakers.yml are unique!91=> Checking if all entries in data/speakers.yml have a valid region92All entries in data/speakers.yml have a valid region!93=> Checking if all entries in data/speakers.yml have valid topics94All entries in data/speakers.yml have valid topics!96Not uploading cache web_ruby-3.2.6-bookworm-10 due to policy98Job succeeded