FY21-Q4 KR: Dogfood testcase and swimlane features for planning activities => 70%
Testcases and Test-sessions: => Weightage: 70%, Completion => 100%
Dogfood testcases feature: Migrate from issues to actual testcases => 100%, https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/toolbox/-/merge_requests/50
(Implementation discussed here: gitlab-org/gitlab#233479 (comment 445616963) as mentioned below:)-
create new issue
Use /copy_metadata
Update issue_type to test_cases for the newly created one.
Update testcases
url in the end-to-end spec files. -
Update existing automation to update the pass/failed labels (after each test run) in testcases
Swimlanes #9254 (closed) => Weightage: 30%, Completion => 0%
Enable swimlanes for all the teams in Quality department -
Update Quality Project management handbook page with the new link
Edited by Ramya Authappan