Direction page: Group "Backlog", "Next N-M releases" & "Awaiting further demand" items
What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What are the project goals?
Currently, issues with those non-numeric milestones are intermingled/unsorted/ungrouped, making it hard to find them. In order to highlight which issues are still undecided and could thus benefit from upvotes or comments, grouping them together by milestone might make sense.
Briefly describe your request
Similarly to !2099 (merged), improve the sorting/grouping of the non-numerical releases.
Esp. the Next N-M releases
would IMHO naturally fit below the last determined release (13.2
as of 2020-05-15).
What is/are the relevant URL(s)
What team/dept/company initiatives does this relate to?
Is there a due date? If so, why?
Who is the audience?
Customers & users, interested in contributing their votes or use-cases to issues.
What are the measurable key performance indicators (KPI)?
More votes/reactions by on issues & MRs that are not tentatively scheduled for a "next" release.
Please identify the directly responsible individual (DRI), stakeholders, and roles
Name | Role |
@markpundsack @sfwgitlab | page owners |
@joshlambert | generators/direction.rb |
What are the project must-haves?
Group Next N-M releases
, Awaiting further demand
and Backlog
items and
decide which of those should be directly below the to-be-released in X.Y
as well as which one should be at the very bottom of each of the 3 plan lists.
Since this could indicated "low prio" to users & customers, this position could elicit anger, but also votes & comments on the issues
What are the project should-haves?
Also sort the Next N-M releases
by the same logic that releases already are.
What are the project could-haves?
What are the project wont-haves?
Where do you expect traffic to come from?
Please provide any related media files
Will you need an opengraph image for social sharing?
If applicable, please provide some example webpages for design guidance.
If applicable, do you have any user journeys, prototypes, content/data?
Please create a checklist of deliverables in this phase
MR that updates sorting code in
- Approved review of changes