FY20-Q1 VPE OKR: Increase productivity => 60%
Key Result: Increase MRs per engineer 20% for all teams. => 60%
- We started a working group
- In April we raised Ave MRs from ~8 the past several months to 8.6
- We're recommending next that we stop intentionally over scheduling, as engineerings indicate they find it demotivating
- We formed the first working group and it proved to be effective at tackling this problem
- We made three major interventions and managed to raise average MRs by ~14%
- We also set consecutive records for overall throughput in March and April
- We still fell short of the goal of a 20% increase in average MRs We only took on this goal mid-way through the quarter so we didn't have the whole 3 months to work on this
Edited by Eric Johnson