Get yourself added to @gl-database group and respond to @-mentions to the group (reach out to any maintainer on the group to get added). You will get TODOs on for group mentions.
Make sure you have proper access to at least an archive replica in production and a read-only replica in staging and production
Note that approving and accepting merge requests is restricted to
Database Maintainers only. As a reviewer, pass the MR to a maintainer
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Working towards becoming a maintainer
There is no checklist here, only guidelines. Remember that there is no specific timeline on this.
It is up to you to ensure that you are getting enough MRs to review, and of
varied types. After you've added yourself as a Database Reviewer,
you should already be receiving regular reviews from Reviewer Roulette.
You could also seek out more reviews from your team, or on #backend/#database Slack channels.
Your reviews should aim to cover maintainer responsibilities as well as reviewer
responsibilities. Your approval means you think it is ready to merge.
After each MR is merged or closed, add a discussion to this issue using this
### (Merge request title): (Merge request URL)During review:- (List anything of note, or a quick summary. "I suggested/identified/noted...")Post-review:- (List anything of note, or a quick summary. "I missed..." or "Merged as-is")(Maintainer who reviewed this merge request) Please add feedback, and comparethis review to the average maintainer review.
Note: Do not include reviews of security MRs because review feedback might
reveal security issue details.
Tip: There are tools available to assist with this task.
When you're ready to make it official
When reviews have accumulated, and recent reviews consistently fulfill
maintainer responsibilities, any maintainer can take the next step. The trainee
should also feel free to discuss their progress with their manager or any
maintainer at any time.
Create a merge request updating your team member entry using the template proposing yourself as a database maintainer, assigned to your manager.
Craig Gomesmarked the checklist item Change issue title to include your name: Database Trainee Maintainer: Your Name as completed
marked the checklist item Change issue title to include your name: Database Trainee Maintainer: Your Name as completed
Craig Gomesmarked the checklist item Get yourself added to @gl-database group and respond to @-mentions to the group (reach out to any maintainer on the group to get added). You will get TODOs on for group mentions. as completed
marked the checklist item Get yourself added to @gl-database group and respond to @-mentions to the group (reach out to any maintainer on the group to get added). You will get TODOs on for group mentions. as completed
marked the checklist item Indicate in your team member entry your role as a database reviewer (example MR). Assign MR to your manager for merge. as completed
I noticed a suboptimal query plan due to an x OR y type query, and suggested that it be refactored to a UNION so that postgres would use an index.
I noticed that the query plans provided used user and namespace ID 1, which I thought might provide a non-realistic plan, so I asked for a plan using the author's user, or a similar one.
The author pointed out that user 1 / namespace 1 had plenty of associated rows. In the future I'll double check the rows in the query plan before asking for a different choice of input data.
Merged as-is.
@toon Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review.
I noticed two places where we were already joining to tables that were later preload()ed, but one was not part of the diff and I wasn't able to convince rails to eager load through an inner join when trying the other one, so I decided not to mention the optimization. It wasn't a performance critical place and the current code seemed easier to read.
Merged as-is
@sabrams Please add feedback, and compare
this review to the average maintainer review.
Nothing to add from the review standpoint. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your process here. It never hurts to include comments like that in the MRs too if you think they may benefit others. If it turns into a concern, a followup can be opened, or at the least, you may educate the author or other reviewers on something they might not have considered.
Not much to comment here. I don't think anyone suspected the related migration might deadlock, so I wouldn't expect for you to have called it out ahead of time.
I was concerned with denormalization by adding a text[] column to the approval_project_rules table, but tried to balance that with simplicity of implementation. I wasn't sure how to proceed, so I laid out ideas for either keeping a text[] column or splitting out a new table and asked the maintainer for advice.
@sabrams agreed that we should use a text[] column for now and could migrate away if we need to later.
I missed that we should default to an empty array rather than null to make rails code simpler (so that it does not have to deal with two data types).
@sabrams Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review.
@mayra-cabrera suggested that auto-generated comments be removed from the migration, that create_table_with_constraints be switched to create_table so that we could use a change method, and that with_lock_retries be eliminated from the down method since the migration doesn't touch a high-traffic table.
I had noticed the comments, but thought that since they were auto-generated by the migration tool they were fine to leave in. I'll start requesting that people remove them in future reviews.
I didn't notice the with_lock_retries issue in the down migration, so I'll start looking for that as well.
I didn't notice that create_table_with_constraints could be swapped out for the simpler create_table - I thought that some part of the foreign key definition inline was using the _with_constraints version. I've read the create_table_with_constraints source now, so I understand that it's only for check constraints.
@mayra-cabrera Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review.
Feature(integrate zentao): part of db migrations : !67938 (merged)
I think you're referencing another MR? :)
I had noticed the comments, but thought that since they were auto-generated by the migration tool they were fine to leave in. I'll start requesting that people remove them in future reviews.
Auto-generated comments are noisy, and after they've been read and addressed they should be removed. This is a minor thing though.
I didn't notice the with_lock_retries issue in the down migration, so I'll start looking for that as well.
It would've been fine to leave the with_lock_retries, I normally suggest removing it if it's not required because someone else can use that migration as an example and also use with_lock_retries when it's not necessary.
I recommended a modified index that would improve a query plan.
I recommended removing columns from an index when those columns were contained in the where clause of the index and constrained to a constant.
I saw a pattern of the form parents.preload(:children).find_each { |p| do_something(p.children.last) } and asked about loading only the last child for each parent record.
@tigerwnz pointed out a place elsewhere in the codebase where we use a lateral join to solve the "preload 1 child per parent" pattern. I hadn't recommended a lateral join because I thought it would be difficult to integrate with ActiveRecord.
@tigerwnz Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review.
I recommended that a transaction running over each failed job be split to a smaller transaction for each batch of 100 failed jobs, so that the runtime was bounded per-transaction.
I recommended locking a set of jobs in aggregate, rather than one at a time.
Merged as-is.
@abrandl Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review.
I suggested removing a with_lock_retries helper since a table wasn't high-traffic
@abrandl recommended making the index WHERE file_template_project_id IS NOT NULL to reduce its size. This makes a lot of sense to me as most service desk settings won't have one set.
@abrandl Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review.
I asked a quesiton about where we were storing the slack data, since I saw a slack_integrations table. @toupeira explained why we weren't using it here.
After review:
Merged as-is
@abrandl Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review
I suggested adding indexes to match each sorting pattern that the UI exposed.
After review:
@abrandl and I discussed the tradeoff between having a "perfect index" for each query and having a single, "good enough" index. I had originally assumed that due to gitlab's scale we can't tolerate any amount of table scans and need close to perfect indexes for every query, but @abrandl showed me that disk access is actully much quicker than I was estimating in my head, and infrequently scanning and sorting a few thousand rows really isn't a problem. After this MR I started considering good-enough indexes much more seriously.
@abrandl Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review
There was a lot of discussion in this review around how to keep the column from Ci::Pipeline in sync with the one in Ci::JobArtifact. The author's original plan was to use a trigger, and use one of the valid values of Ci::Pipeline.locked as the default. I suggested not using a trigger, as we almost never use them in the gitlab code base. @fabiopinoto recommended defaulting to an unknown value which I also liked.
After review:
Merged as-is
@tigerwnz Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review
Resolve "Address the Primary Key Overflow risk for the ci_build_needs table - Step 3: Drop temporary columns and triggers" : gitlab-org/gitlab!69473 (merged)
During review
I had no comments
After review
@pbair pointed out that a line in this MR was duplicated from another one, and that there was a merge conflict.
@pbair Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review
I think I only noticed the line was duplicated because I had also reviewed the previous MR. Otherwise, I wouldn't expect anyone to know that, because there was no indication.
I suggested changes to this migration. It was originally running a single update across the entire table. Instead I suggested switching it to use batches.
Even in batches, this migration took longer than the 10 minute timeout limit for post-deploy data migrations. The batch size was too small for most of the rows, which did not need to be updated, but too large for the few rows that did need to be updated. I suggested nesting the batching with different batch sizes, so that the bulk of rows that did not need to be updated could be processed much more quickly. This greatly reduced the migration's runtime. gitlab-org/gitlab!69502 (comment 671610833) has more details.
After review
I missed that the data migration didn't have disable_ddl_transaction!, which it obviously needed. I've opened gitlab-org/database-team/gitlab-com-database-testing#33 (closed) as a first step towards making the database testing pipeline warn when the migration has a long-running transaction, so that this can't be missed during a future review.
@tigerwnz Please add feedback, and compare this review to the average maintainer review
I wasn't convinced that this change actually solved the flaky spec it was referencing, so I applied the MR's diff on top of the flaky spec, and saw that it still failed.
I approved the MR as still a good idea, but not a complete solution to the problem it was trying to solve
After review:
Merged as-is
@sabrams please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review
I asked a question about allow_nil vs allow_blank and mentioned that we might want to eventually clean up a few hundred values that have empty strings but should be null
After review:
Merged as-is
@mayra-cabrera please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review
Sadly this one caused a production incident gitlab-com/gl-infra/production#5549 (closed). Spotting these problems at the code-review stage is always difficult, and normally database reviews on migrations and performance problems. Still, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the production incidents as it gives you a perspective of the infra problems faces.
I mentioned that it's OK to add a non-null column if it has a default starting in postgres 11.
I asked for a setting to be moved from projects to project_settings
I made some general suggestions around our migration format guidelines
After review:
Maintainer had no comments
This community contribution ended up not being accepted - see gitlab-org/gitlab!70664 (comment 684552891) but I'm including it here since it passed through DB maintainer review.
@sabrams please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review
@krasio pointed out that we should move the migration to a post migration, since the current app code is relying on the foreign key that it is removing.
By moving to a post migration, the code will stop relying on the foreign key before we run the migration. I'll start paying more attention to the three states the application can be in - migrations have run, old code / migrations have run, new code / migrations and post migrations have run, new code.
@krasio please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review
Not much to add other than what you said above - we should keep in mind at what point of the deployment lifecycle will the migration be executed, and how it may affect the app.
I learned a lot about how the hyperloglog algorithm works and gitlab's implementation of it
I had no comments
After review:
@mayra-cabrera mentioned that the changed query was still a bit slow with cold caches, but that it was an acceptable improvement. I had noticed this too and thought the same thing, but didn't mention it. We could add an index to speed it up by allowing an index-only scan, but I didn't think it was worth the index maintenance cost, especially since this is part of usage ping, which has other, much slower operations.
@mayra-cabrera please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review.
We could add an index to speed it up by allowing an index-only scan, but I didn't think it was worth the index maintenance cost, especially since this is part of usage ping, which has other, much slower operations.
Yeah an index might be overengineering since usage ping is executed only once a week, and it includes heavy operations as you mentioned. For historic purposes, I think it's a good idea to mention when a query is not performing according to our standards, but it's acceptable given the context in which performs. This could help understand newcomers or people unfamiliar with the codebase why such query was introduced in the first place.
I suggested a much simpler migration at the cost of running with 2 foreign keys between the same pair of columns (with different ON DELETE conditions) during the migration. The table involved has less than 100 rows, so I didn't expect it to cause too much load on the database.
After review:
Maintainer had no comments
@pbair please add feeddback, and compare to the average maintainer review.
I used in-progress tooling from the database testing project to uncover that the wrong constant name was used when scheduling the initial migration, and to verify that the migration would behave correctly if rescheduled with the correct constant name.
After review:
There was a small discussion about adding track_jobs: true to the migration. I didn't want to change the already-reviewed content of the migration that we were rerunning, so I hadn't asked for this change before.
@krasio please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review.
I noticed that indexes need text_pattern_ops to support text prefix searches
I found 2 places where by only joining one half of a composite primary key, we were inadvertently causing seq scans. Previously it was expected that these seq scans were happening because the container registry database is so small, but I verified that the indexes were ineligible by pulling a plan with enable_seqscan=off in database lab.
I found that postgres cannot use a prefix index for queries of the form where column like concat('literal', $1), likely because it chooses indexes before optimizing out constant function calls. I recommended computing the concatenation before injecting the parameter for better performance.
As this MR is for the gitlab-org/container-registry project, there wasn't a maintainer to follow my review.
I liked that you added your opinion on other person's thread. It shows that you were assessing the MR as a whole. I also liked that you reviewed the MR in good timing.
The cold/warm cache thingy is easy to miss. I also missed it on my first pass. But indeed I've seen already many MRs where developers forget or didn't know about it. So it's a good thing to have it on your checklist, to maybe just start quickly looking into the explain's shared buffers reads:.
I pointed out that the default background migration batching strategy wasn't appropriate for this background migration, and recommended a custom one to exploit an index on namespaces - gitlab-org/gitlab!73640 (comment 791986346)
I suggested moving a query that synced namespace ids for new namespaces into the transaction that created the namespaces.
I noticed that a gin index pending list clear could happen during a transaction that was explicitly LOCKing project records. By inserting explicit calls to gin_clean_pending_list, we were able to move this work outside the transaction, greatly reducing the duration of the lock. - gitlab-org/gitlab!73640 (comment 814321504)
After review:
Merged without comment
@abrandl please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review.
I recommended removing an index existence check that was only there for local development, to make the migration simpler.
I asked that an auto generated migration comment be removed
After review
Maintainer asked that a delete statement only there for local development also be removed
Maintainer had a question about replacing one index with another, including a short period when neither would exist.
I had seen the delete, but assumed that there were a few rows to delete, rather than it being unnecessary. After finding the extraneous index check, I should have doubled back and re-considered my assumption.
I hadn't been worried about the index replacement problem, since there was a comment in the migration indicating that the table was accessed behind a disabled feature flag. Looking back at this migration, I wish I had considered asking about how this migration could behave if it was run by a self-managed instance after the feature was toggled on.
@mayra-cabrera please add feedback, and compare to the average maintainer review.
Alex Ivesmarked the checklist item Create a merge request updating your team member entry using the template proposing yourself as a database maintainer, assigned to your manager. as completed
marked the checklist item Create a merge request updating your team member entry using the template proposing yourself as a database maintainer, assigned to your manager. as completed