@@ -66,18 +66,12 @@ To create a Learning Hub for your team using a Channel in GitLab Learn, complete
Anyone team at GitLab is encoruaged to build new learning pathways. Some scenarios where you might want to build a pathway include:
1. Create career development path for your team
1. Build a training for external audiences on your role
1.Teach the GitLab team how to efficiently solve a common problem, like troubles with Merge Requests or strategies for async communication
1. Organize content you've found externally, like articles, videos, or podcasts
1. Create career development path for your team. Example: [Marketing team GitLab badges](https://gitlab.edcast.com/channel/gitlab-marketing-learning-hub)
1. Build a training for internal and/or external audiences on your role. Example: [GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals](https://gitlab.edcast.com/pathways/ECL-02528ee2-c334-4e16-abf3-e9d8b8260de4)
1.Develop a course that educates on remote work best practices. Example: [Bias towards Async Communication](https://gitlab.edcast.com/pathways/ECL-d28057c0-d024-41b0-a89d-9e4d5a024932)
1. Organize content you've found externally, like articles, videos, or podcasts. Example: [Product Managers Learning Topics](https://gitlab.edcast.com/channel/gitlab-product-team-learning-hub)
To create a new learning pathway and to add that pathway to GitLab Learn, start by building the course content in the handbook. Once the content is ready, open an issue in the Learning and Development [general project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/people-group/learning-development/general/-/issues) using the `new_pathway`[template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/people-group/learning-development/general/-/issues/new?issuable_template=new_pathway). All steps should be outlined on this template.
**Examples of learning paths in GitLab Learn
1. Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Certification
1. GitLab 101 and GitLab 201
1. Bias for Asynchronous Communication
All learning in GitLab Learn is [handbook first].(/handbook/people-group/learning-and-development/interactive-learning/). To create a new learning pathway and to add that pathway to GitLab Learn, start by building the course content in the handbook. Once the content is ready, open an issue in the Learning and Development [general project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/people-group/learning-development/general/-/issues) using the `new_pathway`[template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/people-group/learning-development/general/-/issues/new?issuable_template=new_pathway).
**Timeline and expectations**
@@ -87,9 +81,9 @@ To create a new learning pathway and to add that pathway to GitLab Learn, start
| Open a `new_pathway`[issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/people-group/learning-development/general/-/issues/new#) | 5 weeks prior to launch |
| Start collaboration on pathway needs with L&D team | 4 week prior to launch |
| Implement changes on handbook based on L&D feedback | 3 weeks prior to launch |
| Complete Learning Evangelist training in GitLab Learn | 3 weeks prior to launch |
| Complete [Learning Evangelist training](https://gitlab.edcast.com/pathways/ECL-f9be1e50-ba17-46b3-af33-731d19b3ffcd) in GitLab Learn | 3 weeks prior to launch |
| First iteration of conent upload to GitLab Learn | 2 weeks prior to launch |
| Peer review or L&D review of content in GitLab Learn | 1 week prior to launch |
| [Peer review](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/people-group/learning-and-development/gitlab-learn/admin/#peer-review-content-before-publishing) or L&D review of content in GitLab Learn | 1 week prior to launch |
| Make final edits based on peer review | 1 week prior to launch |
| Launch your course | approx. **5 weeks** after opening the `new_pathway` issue with the L&D team |