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  • Alejandro Rodríguez's avatar
    Use middleman helpers for links · 0e3e3c01
    Alejandro Rodríguez authored
    This enables us to exploit the advantages of middleman URL management.
    For example, this will allow us to host review apps in subdomains (see for
    more information).
    The regular expression `%a((?:\.[\w-]+)+)\{ ?href:
    ?"([\w\/\-_]+)" ?\} (.+)` was used substituting by `= link_to "$3",
    "$2", class: "$1"`. Other cases were derived from this. Then class names
    were adjusted by replacing `class: "\.([\w\.-]+)"` with `class: "$1"`
    once and `class: "([\w -]+)\.([\w\.-]+)"` with `class: "$1 $2"` as many
    times as necessary. There might be a better approach but this is what I
    came up with :)