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  • Clone with SSH
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  • NSSI - NERVE Secure Scalable Infrastructure

    NSSI is a platform for running data conversion workflows for generating linked data from structured and semi-structured data. Clients submit jobs to NSSI specifying a predefined workflow, and receive a URI from where they can retrieve results when the processing completes.

    Building and running NSSI

    These instructions cover how to build and run the application locally from source.


    • OpenJDK 18
    • Maven 3
    • Docker Compose

    Installing OpenJDK 18

    Download the OpenJDK 18.0.2 .tar.gz build from here and copy it to your working folder.

    tar -xvf openjdk-18._linux-{version}
    sudo mv jdk-18* /opt/
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk-18 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
    java --version

    To uninstall, run sudo rm -rf /opt/jdk-18 && export JAVA_HOME=

    Importing the project

    To set up the project in IntelliJ or your IDE of choice, import the pom.xml under the repository root (not the pom files under any of the subdirectories).

    Building the project

    Checkout the repository

    git clone
    git clone

    Build a local Docker image

    There is a Maven wrapper included in the project which can be used to invoke build and test actions. To build local Docker images for NSSI and the Gateway, run the following from the repository root:

    ./mvnw clean install && ./mvnw jib:dockerBuild -pl Service/ -Ddebug
    ./mvnw clean install -pl NSSIGateway && ./mvnw compile jib:dockerBuild -pl NSSIGateway

    You should see a newly created Docker images, e.g.:

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                  TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE          latest         32753a9a9773   6 seconds ago        258MB              latest-dev     3af2bacbc959   About a minute ago   881MB

    Running with Docker Compose

    There are several Docker Compose files available in the repository to run NSSI in different configurations. See the NSSI wiki for more details.