Project 'gitlab-com/infrastructure' was moved to 'gitlab-com/gl-infra/production-engineering'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
@stanhu I spun up nfs-share01 and I'm just finishing the last of the sync of 'uploads' this weekend and then I'll shut the CephFS cluster down on Sunday.
@stanhu augmenting the NFS cookbooks now for the new mount, and swapping over in the low point of the night... standby for the hurrah of a powered down CephFS
John Northrupmarked the checklist item CI builds as completed
marked the checklist item CI builds as completed
John Northrupmarked the checklist item sync to nfs-share01 as completed
marked the checklist item sync to nfs-share01 as completed
John Northrupmarked the checklist item repoint and cutover as completed
marked the checklist item repoint and cutover as completed
John Northrupmarked the checklist item Power Off and 24 Hour Cool Down as completed
marked the checklist item Power Off and 24 Hour Cool Down as completed
So there were 1706 projects still on ceph, after I restarted our ceph cluster I started to copy data from there to nfs-file03. After the copy finished I changed the repository storage to nfs-file03 which fixed these stale projects.
Some minor issues happened as well for 600 projects which already started a move but did not finish it some how, ending up with repository directories being renamed with +moved+ but was not actually moved. I renamed these projects and synced them as well to nfs-file03.
Currently there are no projects on ceph storage anymore.