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2024-05-14 - infradev review
These issues in gitlab-org have ~"group::scalability" and ~infradev. Please make sure that issues are due to be resolved according to their severity labels, and help the relevant stage group if they need it. For more information, see the handbook page on the infradev process
- Fix exclusive lease usage in transaction for lib/gitlab/counters/buffered_counter.rb ~"automation:ml", devopsverify, groupscalability, ~"infradev", maintenancescalability, priority3, sectionci, severity4, typemaintenance
- Deferred sidekiq jobs are deduplicated incorrectly for until_executed strategy backend, bugfunctional, corrective action, devopsplatforms, groupscalability, ~"infradev", priority3, ~"section::platforms", severity3, teamScalability-Practices, typebug